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[Inventory Rollback Request]Waarreen_


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Your Name: Waarreen_
Coordinates: Sadly I do not have the Coordinates
Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 3:45pm EST
Description of Issue: I had just been on the server for a few minutes when I bought one of the ranks, I used the fly then my game crashed and when I re-logged I fell to the ground and died....

Thank you for the help if at all possible. :D 

  • Manager

I apologize but we do not have a rollback point available due to you joining after the rollback point that was a few hours prior.

We can refund you anything that was lost if you are able to make a list.

17 hours ago, Manyouforgot said:

I apologize but we do not have a rollback point available due to you joining after the rollback point that was a few hours prior.

We can refund you anything that was lost if you are able to make a list.

The only thing I really wanted back were the Legendary loot keys, since I'm unable to get them back other wise. I had two out of the three left.


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