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Inventory rollback request JustinvanM


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Your Name: JustinvanM
Coordinates: Coords of the place it happened exactly: x: 5701 z: -3906 y: 4

Coords of my base: x: 5717 z: -3885 y"67
Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 17:57 CET 19-3-2019 or 3/19/2019 or 19th of March 2019
Description of Issue: I fell out of the world after a restart when I was making my mining laser so I'd like my inventory back.

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I apologize for the delay I have been out of town the last week.
I unfortunately do not have a rollback point that goes back that far, I have placed another Mining Laser and Pre-Chargers in your inventory. 
If you can make a list below of the items you had we will refund them to you. @JustinvanM  


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