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[Almoace] Island Rollback


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Your Name: Almoace
Island Owner Name: Almoace
Coordiantes: -257, 108, -747
Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): Not sure
Description of Issue: I reset my Tome of Knowledge by mistake, I did the quest to get a new one but still didn't work. I asked Dragonblood2015 for help & they gave me a new Tome book but still didnt help me, so I'm here to ask for a reset of me & my island please unless there is another way I can get the Tome unlocked.

The picture is of my inventory on the table, I also tried to search for items but that didnt work either.
Screenshots (Optional):



I can't be 100% sure what time it was, it was not long after I first went on the server, that's why I suggested a complete reset.

But I believe it was about 9pm (UK Time) on Monday 15th April.


Player hasn't been on in almost 3 months, no response back


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