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Refund Request MaverickGoth


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Your Name: MaverickGoth
Item Name + Amount: 2 full sets of modified power armor.  I have 6 sets made up in a chest already the GM or Mod can use as reference for mod's too many to list.

Coordinates: My Base and my Wifes Gwingoth's Base 
Description of Issue: There is an issue for some reason you have it set up to kill AFK people by using up all there food, for no actual reason. witnessed!

Yesterday morning I died of starvation after a key party while i was afk, and yesterday afternoon my wife died for the exact same reason.  because all the items despawned I 

could not prove my theory.  But I just watched Gwingoth die from starvation again. and its because either the AutoFeed Mod is taking more than it should or the settings for

starvation are set extremely high after key party?!@  I lost 2 full sets of armor to this yesterday. and today I made sure she put her items in her /echest so she didn't get fucked 

over again.  I'll be on all day. I look forward to hearing from you.  I spoke at lengths with Dabe about this as well. Which we disagree on the reason.
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As we've talked on Discord let me put the points on the table.

  • We see no correlation between food and vote parties since... well... nothing changes in the setup, the vote party only triggers a give command which gives keys, nothing else is done so you can disregard that option. 
  • We don't have an Anti-AFK plugin that kills people when they afk either so that's out of the blue too.

If it is a problem with the AutoFeed mod we can't do anything about it since it's a mod sided issue, which we can't fix because we didn't create the mod. The only bug that I'm thinking of is that the mod itself consumes a lot of food overtime but I'm not familiar with it since I'm new-ish to the staff team in Tekkit and the modpack itself, although we've talked and I have gotten context of your problem over the last hours and we came to the decision to deny the refund request, due for it not being a server side issue.

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