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Infinite Slots to PremiumPlus Players (Beacon_King)


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In-Game Nickname: Beacon_King_


Your Nickname (optional): 



Time and date: 5/10/2019



Description of what happened: Since i am a Premium+ Rank player,i spawned myself a creative dimension builder for fun.

yesterday i purched Infinity Slots to make money for me,staff came and told me due i have Creative Dimension Builder that could spawn any item,

i got a warning for breaking rules.

But i didnt use creative dimension builder to gain the resource that i sell on market,how to proof if i have or not.

should i get $2 refund if u do say CreativeDimensionBuilder=AllResource is from creative?

Please tell if im allow to sell on market or not,i dont gain item with creative dimension builder,i just puted it and for a try how it going



Screenshots or Proof: https://imgur.com/a/jTkdo3j



List of eyewitnesses: (They should also make a post below)

  • 3 weeks later...

The rule is that if you spawn something in then use that said item and sell the items you mine or what ever from it, the items come creatively influenced. which then means you are breaking a rule.


Anything spawned in to get an unfair advantage will be deemed as Creative Influenced.
Examples: Creative blocks that give infinite power. (Such as your Creative Dim Builder you said you spawned)
I would suggest either using your creative for decorative purposes or not participate in the market if your going to spawn blocks that will give you an unfair advantage.

If you can abide by these rules you can sell on the market.

But we do not allow refunds, any chargebacks will result in an autoban via BuyCraft.

So please keep this in mind if you do Chargeback.



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