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Buycraft Issue Ragnaaroc

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In game name: Ragnaaroc

Proof of Purchase: Unfortunately due the purchase being so long ago, I can not go back far enough in my paypal statements to pull up a screenshot, though I can continue looking around if its needed.  Attached below is a Excel spreadsheet of all my Paypal purchases. Please find the one in question on Row 73

Description of Issue:  Am an old player and purchase donor rank over nearly 2 years ago now and upon returning do not have access to most of my features.
XP is Lost on Death and I do not have the additional claim blocks. 

Date/Time of Purchase: 30/12/2017 21:21:25 PST

Items/Rank Bought: Premium +

Screenshots (Optional):

Any other important information: Username at the time was 2DNightmare, it is now Ragnaaroc 

Download (1).CSV

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Hello @2DNightmare

With each server wipe (which occur typically every 6-9 months) the donators perks are wiped from the files as well, and you will need to make a post on the forums for a purchase restore.

I have done so with your purchase, please give up to 15 minutes upon login to give it time to process.


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