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[Command Request] iiTzFermin_


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Account name: ¡¡TzFermin_                @ Henk      @ EPICfighters  @brunyman 

Rank: sponsor +

Commands requested: / skull also [world edition in skyblock, pure survival and survival of the hypo plot]  and the  [/Flyspeed in AC, skyblock, Pure Survival and Hiipo Survival]

Reason for request: / skull I ask for this command for fun. I like to put other people's heads and combine heads with armor. I know the rules that I can't give to others.

world edition: because it always takes me a long time to finish building a floor, a wall, etc. With this great tool I finish my constructions much faster and it would give me time to dedicate myself to other things and constructions

/Flyspeed: the speed that I want mainly for the Assassin Cread game mode but I also want for these game modes], skyblock, Pure Survival and Hiipo Survival for the reason I ask for this command: it is to go to the dungeons faster. I help reach those who don't save their location. I also like to see mistakes to be able to tell a Staff to improve the gameplay.

Thank you and excuse my English




When making a public post on the forum, English is the only acceptable language, so please edit yours and type everything in English. If you don't speak English, you can use a translator. Thanks. 


I think that's what happens, I can't see if it's in English or I don't write it in English but the whole forum is translated in Spanish
diculpas you can check if it's in English right now Thank you?


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