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Our Dungeons, Dragons and Space Shuttles server got updated to modpack version 7.2b! About 30 mods got updated with lot's of other tweaks and changes.


  • Updated all configs and scripts.
  • Updated quests.
  • Updated  the launcher client version.
  • Updated about 30 mods.

Official Change log:


Hotfix Patch 7.2b (+Server Pack)
Don't forget to Update your Questbook as well! Command: /bq_admin default load


-Batteries and Ernergy Cubes can no longer be stacked due to glitches/dupes and voiding in certain machines!
-Fixed Blood Magic Altar T4 Quest 
-Fixed Tinkers Colored Clear Glass recipes (moved to a chisel package)


Patch 7.2a (+Server Pack)
Don't forget to Update your Questbook as well! Command: /bq_admin default load


Included in Patch 7.2a:
- Fixed missing Pam's Grape Seeds (tall grass + extra recipe)
- Fixed broken Nuclearcraft Graphite Block Quest
- Added and balanced Pam's Market
- Added Aquamarine Shale recipe to all Grinder/Pulverizer/Crusher
- Some minor script fixes

Included in Patch 7.2:
Important things:
-Updated 28 Mods
-Fixed/Added/Solved over 53 Github Tickets (issues and requests)
-Fix framed drawers voiding contents when broken ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ [thx to Texelsaur <3]
-Fix compacting drawers with void upgrades voiding incompatible items on input [thx to Texelsaur <3]
-Increased Industrial Blast Furnace ernergy input rate from 2kRF/t to 4kRF/t each side [with 4 overclocker upgrades up to 65kRF/t each side]
-Storage Drawer Upgrades can now be recycled in sawmills to get templates and materials back
-Storage Drawer Base Value Upgrades have now a carpenter recipe [including boosting recipe]

-Actually Additions Batteries:
-----> All AA Batteries with same energy amount can now be stacked up to 64
-----> Completely Reworked upgrade and automation system for all batteries to prevent some NBT issues in carpenters/autocrafting

-Master Assembler 2k20:
- Added Item Input and Output Hatch recipes for 12/16/32 items
---->Added a Hopper recipe

-Advanced Alloy Smelting Factory:
- Added Item Input and Output Hatch recipes for 12/16/32 items
- Pyrotheum is now twice as fast as lava if no boosting mixture is used
---> Added new recipe for Yrdeen Ingots
---> Added new recipe for Enchantend Ingots
---> Added 5 new recipes for Advanced Alloy Ingots
---> Added more recipes for Nucleum Ingots (various alloys)
---> Changed Tin-Silver Alloy recipe because of stragne behaviour with Lumium alloy

-Reworked Nitronite alloy for a better ratio
-Reworked Yrdeen alloy for a better ratio
-Raw Syngas can now be exported from Rockhounding systems to external fluid containers through a Transposer
-Hydrogen Gas can now be exported from Rockhounding systems to external fluid containers through a Transposer
-Added a Uranium Plates recipe to regular crafting tables
-Added visual laser effects when empowering stuff
-Added useful stuff for cocoa combs and fixed visibility in JEI
-Moved more food recipes to the Kitchen Workshop
-Nether Amethyst can now be used for Liquid Crystalline [Thermal Expansion Magma Crucible, Tinkers Smeltery, Nucelarcraft Melter]
-Added correct OreDict entries to Tinker's Construct Clear Glass
-Added some efficient bone meal recipes for all Underground Biomes fossils to all pulverizer/grinder/crusher
-Removed all Dragon Forge components bc no uses in ddss
-Reworked Iridescent altar [Astral Sorcery]
-Reworked Solar Panel of Infinity [Avaritia]
-Fixed and Reworked Divinity Reagent [Blood Magic]
-Reworked Graveyard Soil [Blood Magic]
-Reworked Solar Array Controllers T1-T6 [Enviromentaltech]
-Added a aarpenter recipe for cakes including boosting recipe [Minecraft]
-Energy Cubes with same energy amount can now be stacked up to 64 [Mekanism]
-New Recipes for midgame Gas Tanks in Rolling Machine [Mekanism]
-Reworked Elite Gas Tank [Mekanism]
-Reworked Quantum Entangloporter [Mekanism]
-Reworked Fusion Core [Nucelarcraft]
-Reworked Tuuret Base Tier 5 Hull[OpenModularTurrets]
-Fixed and reworked amadron Tablet [Pneumaticcraft]
-Reworked Pressure Chamber Wall[Pneumaticcraft]
-Reworked Pressure Chamber Glass [Pneumaticcraft]
-Reworked Destructor [Refined Storage]
-Reworked Endergenic Generator [RF Tools]
-Fixed and Reworked Peace Essence [RF Tools]
-Fixed and reworked Dragon Egg Energy Syphon recipe [Tech Reborn]
-Added a recipe for Constantan Ingots to Alloy Smelter [Tech Reborn]
-Added a recipe for Refined Iron Ingots to Alloy Smelter [Tech Reborn]
-Added a recipe for Paper to Compressor [Tech Reborn]
-Added a recipe for Sulfur Dust to Grinder[Tech Reborn]
-Added a recipe for Sugar to Grinder[Tech Reborn]
-Added a recipe for Tungsten Dust (from ores) to Grinder[Tech Reborn]
-Added recipes for Hardened Glass to Alloy Smelter [Tech Reborn]
-Rebalanced Nano Saber [Tech Reborn]
-Added Uranium Plates recipe to Compressor [Tech Reborn]
-Beryllium Cells can now be made with any kind of Beryllium liquid [TechReborn]
-Added a Sawdust recipe to all grinders/pulverizers
-Removed Infinity Capacitor bc is superfluous [Overloaded]
-Reworked a bunch of Creative Items

-Fixed Required Tasks in Quest "More Heat!"
-Fixed Quest "Reinforced Jetpack" (Was not recognized after crafting)
-Fixed some more typos!

-Fixed Nimbus Amulett recipe [Botania]
-Fixed OreDict entrys for UB Charged Certus Quartz
-Fixed Antimatter Evaporator
-Fixed Tooltip in Refined Avaritia Encoder [was confusing]
-Steel dust can now be smelted to ingots in all furnaces
-Fixed Fence recipes with Zoesteria planks
-Fixed all ground meat recipes in pulverizer
-Fixed (B)eer Plushie


Updated Mods:
-Ice&Fire Dragons
-Tinker's Conctruct
-U-Team Core



Hardcore Adventure & Expert Quest-Pack


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