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[Inventory Rollback Request] Trapped_Soul


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Your Name: Trapped_Soul
Coordinates: 8897 (18) 8766
Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): gmt +2 / 09.06.2020 / 12:00
Description of Issue: Died inside border after it  got replaced.
Screenshots (Optional): Message me on discord if you need them, got one of nearly everything i had.



Unfortunately, we lost roughly a week of backups and I won't be able to perform this rollback. Sorry for the inconvenience, I would much rather have the backup to perform this, but it looks we will need to resort to a refund request if you can reply with a list of what you remember losing. 


I have also added $3,000 in game money to your account


Refund completed in separate post



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