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[Inventory Rollback Request] Bananaawesome03


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Your Name: Bananaawesome03
Coordinates: -378 47 2819
Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): GMT+8 12:35
Description of Issue: my friend needed help so i went to help him i was killing all mobs until my sword suddenly disappeared it was perfectly fine and it has curse of possesion so it cannot be grabbed by other mobs or something, it had full durability and suddenly it just disappeared its not on floor or anything its just gone
Screenshots (Optional): 

sorry i have no screen shots

  • PapaMaoDONG changed the title to [Inventory Rollback Request] Bananaawesome03

Bananaawesome03, looking at this situation that you have no screenshots/proof, I can't just go ahead and copy MadSpring's sword. You'll have to wait for the inventory rollback or make a new sword and make this request to be voided.

The ''Curse of Posession'' enchant, however, doesn't insure protection against infernal mobs which cause you to drop your weapons. 


ok wait a minitue when i lost my sword u did a rollback am i right? so it went to the past and i lost ALOT of stuff in my inv but mostt ly it was a lycanites tool made of warg skull, geonach spear and a ent arm all lvl3


15 hours ago, Bananaawesome03 said:

ok wait a minitue when i lost my sword u did a rollback am i right? so it went to the past and i lost ALOT of stuff in my inv but mostt ly it was a lycanites tool made of warg skull, geonach spear and a ent arm all lvl3


Lycanite parts have been refunded to the player


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