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[Inventory Rollback Request] smoochieface


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Your Name: smoochieface
Coordinates: x3189 z-1513 y 89
Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 11:30 pm PDT
Description of Issue: ast night someone at spawn died and said that spawn was on fire so i /spawn and then died. after i died i noticed all my stuff was gone and i have soulbound 1 on all of my stuff that was critical 2 bags of holdings loaded with draconic cores and stuff and ae2 wrench and things big reactor stuff and basiclly alot of stuff. so i tried to run out of spawn after spawning in and still died right away. at one point i couldnt respawn so i loaded out of game and then back in 10 mins later then tried to run away again and finally did so i /t spawn to my town TheKillerBunniesCave and notified people on discord of the issues 

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