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Title: [Duper] (Lolveelol and others)


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In-Game Nickname: (lolveelol and others)



Time and date:7/7/2020 2:22 and before this



Description of what happened: (First someone claiming a rollback had 32 mystic keys in they're inventory then others including lolveelol, starburst and others started opening mass amounts of legendary and other keys including mystics. but lolveelol had a shulker box full of 64 stacks of legendary keys in his inventory



Screenshots or Proof: (tried to take a quick screne shot but was to late but got a conversation about him claiming to have burned it)

Edit 2: I just got a recording of him duping enchanted books 



List of eyewitnesses: (everyone on the server at the time)




above is an image of lolvee's inventory after we confronted him about his duping and about us recording him doing so. This further shows guilt in his actions and an attempt to hide his intentions.



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