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[Inventory Rollback Request] smoochieface


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Your Name: Smoochieface      (FTB infinity evolved)
Coordinates: X; -356  Z;-640  Y;50  (3)
Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 11:25pm pacific time zone
Description of Issue: i was clicking on stone to through into a trash can and i got startled by a friend getting on discord and miss clicked a golden bag of holdings with soulbound 1 on it into the trash can its filled with alot of tools i use often while playing
Screenshots (Optional): screen shot is attached with cords and the 6th slot in witch my bag was located at that is missing.


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Inventory Rollback.

If anything is missing please make a list below for a Refund Request.
(Also please include an actual date and timezone in the future.)


my draconic chest and helm and the follow enchants they were on them both same   protection 4 projectile protection 4 fire protection 4 blast protection 4 soulbound 1

and 12 draconitc cores 


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