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[Claim Rollback Request] ASOOD


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Your Name:  ASOOD
Coordiantes: 3788.326 / 64 / 1108.355 (my claim info https://imgur.com/lCovEKV
Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 9:00 pm GMT +3 on 10/10/2020 (if u wanna help me to get rid from the rad issue completely u can do a week (8 - 10 days) or more before) 
Description of Issue: my base got nuked (in the pic) + the area around it (i think that he placed 2 nuke's outside of my claim on each side) i got 2 hole's around my claim 
Screenshots (Optional):  https://imgur.com/a/RTZNT14  https://imgur.com/xMwXGTl  https://imgur.com/LDIGQuH

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