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[claim rollback request] cvance2387/Vancetopia


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Your Name: cvance2387
Coordinates: 2636 -2353 67
Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/timezone/date when everything was fine): 11:00 AM EST 10/11/2020
Description of Issue: My base was nuked, not all of my buildings so far but the coolest ones anyway, my USS enterprise and my beautiful factory. While we're on the subject can we please ban Nukes and any type of missle or TNT apart from like tiny tnt? these can clearly bypass grief protection.
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so it looks like it was rolled back a bit to far. When I logged off right before I was nuked I had a digital miner going that had pumped a few thousand various ores into my ME network. Also the stuff that I moved out of a few chests and into my ME network in one of my buildings on my claim was back in them. There's also a few spots on my USS Enterprise that were not rolled back at all, starting at x2771 z-2587 y251, z2668 z-2573 y251, x2729 z-2566 y207. These areas should be part of my claim..unless I messed up the corners lol Could the areas that were rolled back to far be because I forgot about daylight savings time? We're in EDT and not EST. I always forget that lol


you know now that I look at it, I can put down another digital miner and just mine the area again..the ore is still there after all.  and the parts that weren't rolled back on my enterprise aren't that bad, It's easily fixed with schematica. I am all set now. Thank you so much :)




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