Founder brunyman Posted May 14, 2021 Founder Posted May 14, 2021 Time for a big update for Pixelmon! Tons of new pokemons, abilities and moves! "Something looks different..." You can download the modpack from ATLauncher, Technic Launcher or on CraftersLand Launcher, where it has few additional optional performance mods. Server address: Changes: Updated mods Updated configs and libraries Updated launcher pack Change log: Spoiler Additions: Added new Pokémon: Added Cufant. Added Copperajah. Added Dracozolt. Added Arctozolt. Added Dracovish. Added Arctovish. Added Duraludon. Added Zacian. Added Zamazenta. Added Eternatus. Added Kubfu. Added Urshifu. Added Zarude. Added Glastrier. Added Spectrier. Added Calyrex. Added Galarian Slowking. Added new Gigantamax forms: Added G-Max Venusaur. Added G-Max Charizard. Added G-Max Blastoise. Added G-Max Butterfree. Added G-Max Pikachu. Added G-Max Meowth. Added G-Max Machamp. Added G-Max Gengar. Added G-Max Kingler. Added G-Max Lapras. Added G-Max Eevee. Added G-Max Snorlax. Added G-Max Garbodor. Added G-Max Melmetal. Added G-Max Corviknight. Added G-Max Orbeetle. Added G-Max Flapple. Added G-Max Appletun. Added G-Max Hatterene. Added G-Max Duraludon. Added G-Max Grimmsnarl. Added G-Max Sandaconda. Added G-Max Drednaw. Added G-Max Inteleon. Added G-Max Coalossal. Added new Forms: Moon Phase Lunatone. Meta Groudon. Spheal JUMP! Added Rainbow Beautifly Added Rainbow Crawdaunt Added Rainbow Weavile Added Rainbow Cresselia Added Rainbow Dustox Added Rainbow Feebas Added Rainbow Milotic Added Rainbow Infernape Added Rainbow Kecleon Added Valencian Caterpie Added Valencian Metapod Added Valencian Blissey Added Valencian Happiny Added Valencian Chansey Added Valencian Ratatta Added Valencian Raticate Added Valencian Bellossom Added Valencian Nidoran Male Added Valencian Nidorino Added Valencian Nidoking Added Valencian Nidoran Female Added Valencian Nidorina Added Valencian Nidoqueen Added Valencian Politoed Added Valencian Poliwag Added Valencian Poliwhirl Added Valencian Poliwrath Added Valencian Shellder Added Valencian Cloyster Added Valencian Magikarp Added Valencian Gyarados Added a new Creator Pokémon (ItsRitchieW) Updated Pokémon: Updated Magnemite to SMD. Updated Magneton to SMD. Updated Doduo to SMD. Updated Dodrio to SMD. Updated Drowzee to SMD. Updated Hypno to SMD. Updated Porygon to SMD. Updated Mantyke to SMD. Updated Litleo to SMD Updated Magby to SMD. Updated Magmar to SMD. Updated Magmortar to SMD. Updated Spheal to SMD. Added Emission to Regice. Abilities: Added Unseen Fist. Added As One. Added Chilling Neigh. Added Grim Neigh. Added Comatose. Added Dancer. Added Ripen. Added Neutralizing Gas. Added Gulp Missile. Added Berserk. Added Curious Medicine. Added Quick Draw. Added Mimicry. Moves: Added Astral Barrage. Added Eerie Spell. Added Fiery Wrath. Added Flip Turn. Added Glacial Lance. Added Jungle Healing. Added Scale Shot. Added Steel Roller. Added Surging Strikes. Added Wicked Blow. Added Poltergeist. Added G-Max Wildfire. Added G-Max Befuddle. Added G-Max Volt Crash. Added G-Max Gold Rush. Added G-Max Chi Strike. Added G-Max Terror. Added G-Max Resonance. Added G-Max Cuddle. Added G-Max Replenish. Added G-Max Malodor. Added G-Max Stonesurge. Added G-Max Wind Rage. Added G-Max Stun Shock. Added G-Max Finale. Added G-Max Depletion. Added G-Max Gravitas. Added G-Max Volcalith. Added G-Max Sandblast. Added G-Max Snooze. Added G-Max Tartness. Added G-Max Sweetness. Added G-Max Smite. Added G-Max Steelsurge. Added G-Max Meltdown. Added G-Max Foam Burst. Added G-Max Centiferno. Added G-Max Fireball. Added G-Max Drum Solo. Added G-Max Hydrosnipe. Added G-Max One Blow. Added G-Max Rapid Flow. Added G-Max Vine Lash. Added G-Max Cannonade. Structures: Added Tower of Waters. Added Tower of Darkness. Added various ocean structures. Added music to Pokémon Centers. Items: Added an ingame Quest Editor item, and a full ingame Quest Editor to go with it. Added TMs by generation. Depending on the type of blank TMs you allow in your world/server, you can decide if older TMs are allowed. Added Generation 8 fossils. Added Max Mushroom. These generate naturally in Mushroom Island biomes. Added Max Soup. Added Reins of Unity. Added Guard Spec. Added Cleanse Tag. Added Fluffy Tail. Added Blunder Policy. Added Ability Patch. Added Galarica Wreath. Added Heavy Duty Boots. Added Terrain Extender. Added Adrenaline Orb. Added Rusted Sword. Added Rusted Shield. Added Heart Scale. Added Scroll of Waters. Added Scroll of Darkness. Vastly improved the look of equipped Safety Goggles. Added the ability to equip the Relic Crown and all badges. The Key Stone, Wishing Star, Oval Charm and Shiny Charm are now all items as well. Using their item form unlocks them. Added Frontier Symbols. Quest Additions: Added new default quests. Quest dialogue can now use ?QUEST_DATA? placeholders, both directly and via lang. Added Name Inserter objective. Added Date objective. Added Flag objective. Added Query objective. Added Timer objective. Added Abandonable action. Added Give XP action. Added Potion action. Added Sound action. Added Set Flag action. Added Unset Flag action. Added alternate quest icons. Added Server Cosmetic action. Added Take Server Cosmetic action. Riding (New): Eternatus Zacian Zamazenta Torracat Regieleki Regidrago Quilava Bayleef Urshifu Zarude Cufant Copperajah Dracovish Dracozolt Arctovish Arctozolt Numel Hippopotas Dragapult Duraludon Frosmoth Raticate Alolan Raticate Cacturne Lucario Electrode Wobbuffet Audino Shiftry Shelgon Gabite Darkrai Boldore Voices: Alcremie Appletun Barbaracle Binacle Blissey Bounsweet Chandelure Cinderace Drednaw Dreepy Drizzile Grimmsnarl Grookey Incineroar Inteleon Magearna Milcery Minccino Misdreavus Morgrem Oshawott Primarina Raboot Rillaboom Rookidee Sandaconda Scorbunny Silicobra Snom Sobble Steenee Thwackey Wynaut Miscellaneous Updated the battle UI! Added battle music. Added Pokecenter music. Added a Transfer Tutor NPC. Added a Mega Tiara. Added two permissions for /endbattle, "pixelmon.command.admin.endbattle.ordinary" and "pixelmon.command.admin.endbattle.forceful". Added allowIllegalShinies .hocon setting Added Shadow Ho-oh and updated Shadow Lugia giveaway skins, these are both now bundled and are emissive. If you already had one, you now have both. The Haunter Wizard now includes Gastly and Gengar. Gold and Black Monocle giveaway items are now bundled. If you had one, you now have both. Added the Yukata giveaway item. Added the Wizard Hat Giveaway item. Added the Winter Cloak. Blank TMs and TRs for Generation 8 were added to default shopkeepers, Tier 1 and 2 Pokéloot, and Boss Drops. All Pixelmon items can now be given food stats. All berries and berry juice are now edible! Added a hard cap to flying Pokémon spawns in the main config. Added a Gigantamax Factor button to the Pokémon editor. Learnable TMs are now able to be viewed from the Stats menu. Egg moves and level-up moves are also viewable from this screen. Marks can now be found on wild Pokémon, allowing special titles to be used in battle. Championship Ribbons are also available for servers to make use of. Added a set of Eevee-themed scarves, which can be given via plugins and quests. Changes: The Fly external move can no longer teleport between worlds. Teleport still can. Spawning now supports Structures spawns and Lava Spawns. Galarian breeding now works in the same way as Alolan breeding. The Gigantamax Factor can now be obtained, and can appear on wild Pokémon. We now properly check if the mother is Galar, for breeding. Added a new selection of quest objectives and actions. Trainers can be set, independent of the world, to be in Gen 7 or Gen 8 mode, which decides whether they can use the respective gimmicks or not. Trainers now wear a Mega Ring or Dynamax Band if they can use it. Trainers have updated Pokémon lists. Updated Boss drops and Pokéloot. Config category ULTRASPACE is now DIMENSIONS. Wool regrowth now ticks for Wooloo and Dubwool. Ether and Max Ether will now be consumed when used outside of battle. The Fossil Machine now accepts dual fossil input. ItemPokeball is now undamageable. Updated the Heavy Ball to reflect SuMo changes. Changed ChoiceItem to not apply on Transform. Added position data to Ranches on error. Added more error catching in the Pokémon Editor, it will call out issues with held items. Added an additional check for evolution errors, and it will now dump relevant data. /endbattle can now be cancelled directly. Improved a large number of item textures. Evolution particles are now high saturation. Improved range of boss types available. Improved boss customizability. Each boss type now has its own loot pool, can be weighted against other boss types, and can have their Rare Candy chance edited. Added a wide range of new colors which can be applied to statues. The Oval Charm is now obtainable. Improved the shiny particle effect. Vastly improved every single Pokémon bounding box in the game. Dynamax now has a shimmer effect. Alien Celebi has a new method of acquisition, and Beast Balls no longer work on the Ilex Shrine. Removed hovering in Pixelmon stat files There are many changes to spawning that would be better read on the wiki See: Spawning History - Pixelmon Wiki Item Sprites: Mints and "mint seeds". Both Bottlecaps. All Apricorns, including cooked variants. All Badgecases. All Evolution Stones and their Shards. Ice Stone and Ice Shard. All Umbrellas. Rare Candy. Prism Scale. Gift. Silver and Gold Hourglasses. Dynamax Candy. Ranch Upgrade. Wall Clocks. Pokéball Rugs. Ruby, Silicon, Sapphire and Amethyst Blocks. Ruby, Silicon, Sapphire, Crystal and Amethyst items. Sweet, Tart and Fancy Apple. Reassembly Unit. Zygarde Cell, Core and Cube. All Pokéballs, lids and bases. Aluminium Ingot, Plate, Block, Tools and Armor. Repels. Red Card. All Sweets. All Pokémon Mega Stones. Choice Band, Specs, and Scarf. All Type Gems. Chipped and Cracked Pot. Damp, Heat, Icy and Smooth Rock. Bach's Tin. Bob's Tin. Brittle Bones. Fresh Cream. Potato Pack. Pungent Root. Salad Mix. Spice Mix. Green Cloner. Cloner Machine. Orange Cloner. Fan. Fossil Cleaner. Fossil Display. Fossil Machine. Fossil Machine Base. Fossil Machine Display. Fossil Machine Tank. Fridge. Mechanical Anvil. Mower. Washing Machine. Riding (Updated): Slowking Galarian Slowking Lapras Obstagoon Zweilous Spectrier Mudbray Ponyta Graveler Alolan Graveler Fixes: Fixed a bug where Pokémon were unable to jump more then once. We're sorry to all those Spoinks whose hearts we've stopped. Fixed an issue with shearing a Pokémon's wool in a Ranch Block. Fixed shiny textures for Galarian Zigzagoon and Linoone. Fixed a bug where Cut and Rock Smash would cause tool damage if you were holding a tool. Fixed a dupe with items that were damageable when they shouldn't have been. Fixed a crash caused by Minior's color data. Fixed a crash caused by custom textures being null. Fixed a Super Spicy Curry bug crashing your client. Fixed stats not being refreshed on the client when IVs or EVs were changed by plugins. Fixed an exploit with vending machines. Spawning NPCs now respect the level ranges of the trainer JSONs if there is no override in the spawning JSON. Passive healing now passively heals. Dynamax scaling is now more conservative, and the config setting for it actually works. Fixed Dynamax clouds. Fixed the completion rate of the Pokédex. Ghost types drop items again. Fixed a disconnect issue caused by the Camera. Fixed items with a max damage of 1 million. Forage will no longer give you underground loot when not targeting a transparent block. Fixed CustomTextureSpec allowing null custom textures. Fixed specs not matching with forms. Fixed Indeedee's missing texture. Fixed a crash while using Industrial Foregoing involving the Animal Rancher and Wooloo/Dubwool. Fixed the Defog HM using the normal HM sprite texture instead of Fly. Fixed RaiseToCap and BossBonusLevels not working together correctly. Uxie, Azelf and Mesprit can no longer drown. Fixed Pokémon getting stuck on the edge of the world. Fixed NPE when using DNA Splicers on Kyurem with no Reshiram or Zekrom in your party. Fixed enchanted Rubies being destroyed if your inventory was full. Fixed the learn move exploit. Fixed Thunder Stone Armor's speed boost persisting after taking the armor off. Fixed a Mint Cuttings duplication bug. Fixed an NPE related to evolving a certain Pokémon. Fixed an NPE related to Ranch blocks. Fixed not being able to turn Greninja into a zombie. Fixed Poké Ball inheritance not ignoring Ditto. Fixed the Dream Ball capture boost not working. Fixed the starter advancement not being fired correctly. Fixed invalid starters not being signaled properly to console. Fixed starters not supporting forms. Fixed doors and beds in snapshots not staying placed down. Fixed New Running Boots ignoring the Unbreakable tag. Battle Fixes: Starting a battle versus an NPC with targeting now still pulls up the rules and team selection. Metronome will no longer trigger Z-Moves. Rising Voltage now has the correct power inside Electric Terrain. Fixed Steel Beam not causing recoil damage. Updated Dire Hit to the newest mechanics. Me First can no longer copy moves it should not be able to. Clangorous Soul no longer deals just one damage. Morpeko transformation now displays messages. Mummy and Wandering Spirit now display messages. Fixed the Max Guard message. Fixed Z-Geomancy and Taunt interaction. Fixed Scale Shot not working at all. Fixed the Steel Roller effect not working. Fixed Queenly Majesty and Dazzling not working. Fixed Destiny Bond ending battles in error. Fixed the battle camera moving about while typing in chat. Fixed Synchronize causing the "badly poisoned" effect to scale too quickly. Max Moves can now be disabled. Quest Fixes: Fixed initial (default) quests having extra requirements. Fixed a potential exploit where quests could be abandoned before the abandon button was visible. Fixed Defeat Trainer and Absolute Position. The Spawn Pokémon action can now be set to engage the player immediately. All the default quests now use Name Inserters and new quest icons. Large quest names are now squashed properly. Developer: IVStore and EVStore now implement an interface for easier usage between the two. BaseStats now has appropriate getters and all fields are now deprecated. The goal is to make it fully immutable at runtime as it was intended to be. Added ForceEndBattleEvent for /endbattle and Fluffy Tail. Added Fluffy Tail interaction. Added abstract AttackEvent. Refactor of AttackEvents. Added AttackEvent.Use - Fires for all attacks, allows modification of accuracy and cantMiss. Added abstract NPCEvent. Added NPCEvent.Interact - Fires for all NPC interactions. Added NPCEvent.StartBattle - Fires for all NPC versus player battle starts. Added NPCEvent.EndBattle - Fires for all NPC versus player battle ends. EntityNPC and EntityStatue are now IAnimals. Prevents rendering of statue if entity tracker issue occurs. PartyAlolanCondition has been merged into PartyCondition, and now supports any form. Improved ItemBattleItem. Championship Ribbons (and others as we add them) can be awarded to individual Pokémon with the method {Pokemon Instance}.addRibbon(EnumRibbonType.CHAMPION); Added packet ClientSetLastOpenBox, allows setting of a player's last open box from the server. Added ParticleArcaneryDispatcher, allows creation of Pixelmon particles from the server. Which quest is being tracked can now be changed by the server. PlayerPartyStorage#getQuestData().setTracking(QuestProgresss) and PlayerPartyStorage#getQuestData().hideTracking(). Added MechanicalAnvilEvent.RemoveStack - Fires when an item is removed from a Mechanical Anvil. Added MechanicalAnvilEvent.SetStack - Fires when an item is added to a Mechanical Anvil. Added MechanicalAnvilEvent.Tick.Pre - Fires on start of a Mechanical Anvil tick. Added MechanicalAnvilEvent.Tick.Post - Fires on end of a Mechanical Anvil tick. Added MechanicalAnvilEvent.Hammer - Fires before a Mechanical Anvil creates a new item. Added MechanicalAnvilEvent.HammerResult - Fires after a Mechanical Anvil creates a new item. PokeLootClaimedEvent is now deprecated, replaced with PokeLootEvent. Added PokeLootEvent.Claim - Is the equivalent of PokeLootClaimedEvent, fires when a Poké Loot is attempted to be claimed. Added PokeLootEvent.GetDrops - Allows modification of the loot given by a Poké Loot. Added PokeLootEvent.Drop - Fires whenever a Poké Loot is about to give an item. Added SetLevellingEvent - Fires whenever a player, or the game, toggles levelling being enabled/disabled for a Pokémon. Added ZygardeEvent.Activate - Fires whenever an Reassembly Unit is activated. Added ZygardeEvent.Select - Fires whenever an Pokémon is selected for use in a Reassembly Unit. Added ZygardeEvent.Seperate - Fires whenever a Zygarde is seperated by a Reassembly Unit. Added ZygardeEvent.New.Start - Fires at the start of assembly of a new Zygarde in a Reassembly Unit. Added ZygardeEvent.New.End - Fires at the end of assembly of a new Zygarde in a Reassembly Unit. Added ZygardeEvent.Merge.Start - Fires at the start of a merger of an existing Zygarde in a Reassembly Unit. Added ZygardeEvent.Merge.End - Fires at the end of a merger of an existing Zygarde in a Reassembly Unit. Added AbandonQuestEvent - Fires whenever a quest is attempted to be abandoned. Added FinishQuestEvent.Complete - Fires whenever a player completes a quest. Added FinishQuestEvent.Fail - Fires whenever a player fails a quest. Added NPCInserterEvent - Fires whenever a Quest Giver NPC is attempted to be chosen by an NPC inserter. Added QuestActionEvent - Fires whenever a quest action is about to be executed. Added QuestObjectiveEvent.Progress - Fires whenever a player makes progress towards completing a quest objective. Added QuestObjectiveEvent.Complete - Fires whenever a player completes a quest objective. Added QuestStageEvent.Complete - Fires whenever a player completes a quest stage. Added QuestStageEvent.Set - Fires whenever a player has their stage set in a quest. Added ArmorEffectEvent.Effect - Allows modification of the effects given by a piece of Pixelmon armor. Added ArmorEffectEvent.Attribute - Allows modification of the attributes given by a piece of Pixelmon armor. Added CameraEvent.DuplicatePhoto - Fires when a photo is about to be taken, but might be blocked by the duplicate photo setting. Cancellation allows bypass of this. Added CameraEvent.ConsumeFilm - Fires when a camera is about to consume film. Cancellable. Added CameraEvent.TakePhoto - Fires when a photo is taken by a camera. Mutable and cancellable. Added EntityPokestop. Have fun. Download our launcher HERE! Thank you all for support! A pokemon world! Quote
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