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[Island Rollback Request] Eternalite


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Your Name: Eternalite
Island Owner Name: Eternalite
Coordinates: 4861//40//-18067
Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 4:05am cest || 27/12 

Description of Issue: Creative screen in my base constantly keeps crashing client.
Screenshots (Optional): 


Also Yes Ive tried unstuck but when I tp back to base it crashes client when I look in its direction

IGN: Eternalite

Claim Coords: Specified above as to why I don't have them

Solution is within config please ignore


  • Eternalite changed the title to [Island Rollback Request] Eternalite
  • Henk locked this topic
  • eytixis unlocked this topic

I killed the chaos dragon recently and lost 6 chaos shards and yes I could spawn them in but I can't sell them to make PROFIT :P. (Also ive lost a lot of building progress but I don't really care about that so I would love if you could just refund the 6 chaos shards and yes I know that the dragon drops 10 total but ive already sold 4 previously. 



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