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(Complaint)Harassment: AdmSirRed


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In-Game Nickname: AdmSirRed

Time: 31.01.2022, 0:30 am CET.

What happened: AdmSirRed has claimed the End Portal aswell as other parts of the End Dimension Island after i killed another player, just to stop people from being able to pvp there (especially me).

He has also stated that he only did that to force me to not pvp there in any way.

This should count towards Rule 5 of the Rulebook, Harassment, since this is an action targetting me to disrupt my experience of playing. 

Screenshots of Proof: 








When scar killed someone who wasn't even near the end portal spawn, shulker cried about it thena dm decided to claim the whole end island so it could stop "scar from killing people in the end" because adm knows that it's his only place where he could kill people out of claims.

  • Scarlxd changed the title to (Complaint)Harassment: AdmSirRed

I believe that even if the punishment is not harassment because it is not continued unwanted behavior, it breaks rule 6 for ruining player experiences. Scar finds enjoyment in pvping and Adm claiming the end island is an obvious personal attack against Scar's enjoyment and player experience. Scar tried to pvp in one of the few legal possible ways he could, the end. The fact that Adm admitted to claiming the end island in order to specifically target Scar also lends to the fact that this was indeed targeted at ruining the player experience of one player. Despite his good intentions, I believe Adm did indeed break this rule. There is no rule against pvping in the end thus far and Adm claiming the entire end island was taking his actions too far. Players are not staff. Leave it to the staff to handle and do not take matters into your own hands. While there is no rule against claiming the entire end island, I believe that claiming the entire island breaks the rule of common sense. There is no way that it would be common sense to allow any one player to claim the entire end island and have full access over its' land to do with it as they see fit. It has been repeatedly said, time and time again that players should wait for staff decisions and not take matters into their own hands and those who have taken matters into their own hands have always been punished for it. Will you treat this player any differently?


for the record, deadly asked "u good" and I said yes. deadly and I work together a lot. the claim has also been open to public trust since it was made so i think it has no effect on anything there as far as the end dragon or building etc. 


Actually @AdmSirRed even tho you set it to public server noone can mine the biotrite in the area which is needed for lycanite bosses. If we can even summon them atm been meaning to try again. But, if they can be then there only options are the area near the warp end and the small section on the far island that i know of that isn't part of the claim. Whether its urs or soon to be an admins thats the only real concern I have atm is resource acquisition. Sadly biotrite only spawns when the enderdragon dies and converts a small percentage of end stone specifically on the first island. It shouldn't be changing the end stone anywhere else in the end.


 So seems we can spawn the bosses in now. So the biotrite is kinda being blocked off and so are the obsidian pillars which obsidian is used in all lycanite altars. Not to mention the best xp farms in the lost city are obsidian bunkers with most of the terrain converted into obsidian so the parasites arn't breaking everything around ur bunker trying to get to you.


and there should be a more detailed rule about the end, its pretty stupid that if you want to progress in the game, you have to bet your life because some guy is camping the end (end dragon death sounds), its annoying and the end area should be a no pvp zone 


@Bananaawesome03 noone was camping the end in this case. They used /warp end and ran to the location. So maybe you meant to rephrase that by saying that the ender dragon island should be a no pvp zone? Cause it sounds more like you are saying the entire end. Which at that point scarl, mrbobski and their crew are right, might as well just switch the server over to pure pve.


@Thatcrazyflyguyno, its just that, if you want to progress in the game, you have to send a loud signal to every single damn person in the server and pray that no one comes,  the areas that should be enabled pvp are PURELY the wild except for the main island end, its shitty as fuck when someone claims the end, someone murders someone in the end, etc when they are just trying to kill the ender dragon, im saying that only the main island should be a no pvp zone, but the wild of the end should be a pvp zone, imagine a average mid game player minding their business trying to kill the ender dragon, because well, they want to, not for the loot, but purely because they want to and have that feeling of they killed the ender dragon in rlcraft, and then some overly powered shit head comes because there was a loud signal and murders them, its just wrong


My thought would be to add a warning to /warp end saying that pvp in enabled anywhere in the end and to be careful. Banan to respond to your complaint about end game players coming and killing midgame players, midgame players can just wait until the pvpers are offline to kill the enderdragon.


There's no harassment in this, as he stated that this was not targeting you, but was answering the question below yours.

He was punished for Rule 6, Ruining player experience

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