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[Ac V1] - Question About Enchantment And Ranges

ItsIsma29R || Official

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Hi guys!


I've long observed that users Rango "Sponsor" have access to advantages over others as it is to enchant items, etc ...

And Premium users only have access to "Premium" warp in which the upper potions sold in the store are sold user.


My question is not whether this post is well done in this section or have to go to another. So here there goes my question ...
1º- Users with rank "Premium" potions can sell or give unprivileged users?
2º- Users with rank "Sponsor" can enchant items unprivileged users for gold or any other type of item?
Those are my two questions, I hope nobody will take it badly. Since this issue I would like clarification me not to go crazy. Since some things are not marked server rules "AC V1"
thank you very much
Isma ~
P.D: Sorry if you do not understand something, I can not write in English.
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As far as I'm concerned, even if the first option seems more agreeable, I won't support any. I find these simply unfair to the normal course of the game.



Edit: Yes, Jim, and that is exactly what I said, with other words. Maybe 'support' is just unclear in this context. 

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