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FireKun last won the day on February 25 2018

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About FireKun

  • Birthday 03/24/1868

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    No se pas que és això
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    Això encara menys ;V
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    : In your heart?
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    Cacolat Fred, Cacaolat Fred and Cacaolat Fred.

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  1. I write an answer by message for the obvious reasons
    The issue of not having thought about the work of others when building is not an issue that is spoken illegally is a thought does not justify a prohibition players had their area unprotected that area counts as a public area any of the map is totally legal what was done in that area for the simple fact of not being protected by a protection that players think twice before leaving a construction free I repeat a thought of remorse for executing actions at that point on the map or you you are a high rank you are going to prohibit a player for executing actions in any area of the map, I repeat again while a zone of the complete map is not protected you can do what you want the player while entering the rules either put lava with quartz blocks you do not need a protection to use the blocks of quartz ore and lava cubes is why these two things are included in the game and they are in use on the server the sites protected the area after which does not count as it is contradicting because they are protecting an area that I use which is also illegal as well as building in a house made by players who did not protect it before time and the epiv player can confirm with certainty that this area was not protected and if those responsible for the report are sincere they can also confirm that you are a high rank, you are supposed to have enough experience to know this kind of things and solve them fairly and do not solve them quickly to save works by executing a command to ban a player for a few photos of a chat that is ridiculously badly worked and a few words of any players. Pick up witnesses and try them and when you have enough fair and you teach me the necessary amount to put a ban in this way will be fair but it is ridiculous that just for saying that I am a toxic player prohibition that players learn to protect their zones and privatize them with security
    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. ReivGames


      Haha please do not need to steal and less this kind of things do not be silly please this issue is already very clear by the original owner of the account and for me do not be stupid
      Jaja porfavor no necesito robar y menos esta clase de cosas no seas tonto porfavor este tema esta ya muy aclarado por el dueño original de la cuenta y por mi no seas necio
    3. FireKun


      Did you stole the acc, yes or no?

    4. ReivGames


      Cuantas veces tendre que decir que *no* es robada

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