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Out of the Water

Out of the Water (3/26)



  1. I believe that the default town permissions should be changed in a way so the "pickup" flag is always "true".Having it to "false" by default only creates incomfortabilities to everyone playing. I am sure that everyone would agree with me!
  2. Hey ! Welcome to this amazing and friendly community! Hope you have a decent time here
  3. Yes,as I was saying,you must not report the crash if the log says you not to without doing the steps provided by the log itself. Remove Optifine completely and try.Optifine causes a lotta crashes, believe me, and having shaders is not always worth the fight against crashes. I'm not saying that I'm sure it is Optifine causing the problem, but at least give it a try if it says so.
  4. Sorry but you've got to try it without Optifine before reporting it.Even the log says that.Remove Optifine,or install another version of it,preferably newer.And if it's the newest then downgrade a bit.But I'd recommend you to at least try removing Optifine and trying again :/ Good luck
  5. I am not a specialist in this field but it surely looks like it tries to render a null item and fails to do that also looks like you have optifine,try removing it I think it would be useful to tell what mods are there,on the 4th tab
  6. Yes,I agree,it's impossible to fight the chaos guardian/ender dragon since it always despawns from our render distance...
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