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Sotakuu last won the day on February 18 2019

Sotakuu had the most liked content!


About Sotakuu

  • Birthday 01/18/2000

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Carpenter (5/26)



  1. **BUMP
  2. In-Game Name: Sotakku Rank: Sponsor + Prefix in Network - Sponsor + Prefix in tekkit Hi, I want to change my "Staff Color Tags" prefixes for "Tekkit" (KillerMX) and (Master) for a fancy animated tag These two labels I want to exchange for a fancy animated for the Network
  3. @Candy There would be no point in paying for a range that offers you benefits. It is a better idea to limit the commands of the "Sponsors"
  4. I love the idea of removing the / WE command
  5. I would love to solve this problem since it is very annoying .... Another problem there are the villagers, the plugin that they have does not allow to procreate villagers in this version and should not, the villager is one of the most used mods of the version 1.15
  6. I owe you an apology, it's a simple translation error ....
  7. It happens to all of us, I am always in my farm of modifications and it expels me from the game. They should disable it with mods ...
  8. Account Name: Zotakuu Rank: Sponsor Server: Network, Pure Survival Requested Commands^: /Time Reason for Request*: Change time to prevent mob spawning and being annoying when i build.
  9. Hello! I just wanted to share this little project that took place in Hipo Plot. This is a small demonstration of everything you can do with Minecraft 1.13, which I consider one of the best games if you can play it. This little "Aquarius" I made it on my plot. It took me a few hours, a lot of effort and patience, a lot of dedication and help from friends. I hope you enjoy. http://prntscr.com/knlgm2 http://prntscr.com/knlgqp
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