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DaBe00593 last won the day on May 27 2022

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  1. Due to actions done by certain staff members on non craftersland associated discord servers i am unable to make a complaint, but i strongly feel like we should be able to ignore who we like. these events happened awhile ago and i refuse to play tekkit because of it, i have already blocked said staff member in discord but i am unable to /ignore them in game, these events happened 2 months ago which is right around the time i stopped actively playing https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/700661633063714897/704348498853756988/unknown.png https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/700661633063714897/704349119120015490/unknown.png ^these are the screenshots that show when mikewerf became hostile towards me and he also made threats to disband the clan i was in at the time https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/700661633063714897/701087727466053772/unknown.png https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/700661633063714897/701087769866272798/unknown.png ^ also when i was talking with mikewerf this time be became increasingly hostile when i told him that he had no right to ban someone without keeping the proof (for more information about this event a unban request was made and they were unbanned due to lack of evidence) The evidence above makes my case very clear the only reason he hasn't said those things to me ingame is because he knows i would have made a complaint but because it all happened on non craftersland associated discords i ask that i be able to /ignore whom i like. and i would like to be able to play without minimizing chat because talking to the community is half the fun of tekkit)
  2. Its because anyone can go into your town and change the settings on machines. if you dont want this to happen you should probably use "/t perm town set out none" (as long as your the mayor or assistant you will be able to)
  3. Actually, other than the obvious flaws to this plan being its up to staffs desecration on who gets to join. A whitelist is impossible because the maintenance uses the servers whitelist function.
  4. Im back at your page you happy?

    1. unknown1234


      You're a stalker.

    2. DaBe00593


      I get that a lot thanks 

    3. unknown1234


      Yea thats not weird.

  5. I went to your base and replaced the sirens with bedrock for you, And thats not a link to the screenshots
  6. It isn't a plugin suggestion, its a command for a plugin already implemented
  7. Personally i believe that the chest shop plugin would be redundant because we have the market at spawn.. someone said that new players will get their resources faster but if you look at the market you could probably get end game pretty quickly along with that for the chest shop plugin to be of use the shops would have to be accessible via /warp which means that the server managers/Henk and Bruny possibly would have to add permissions to the default roles this would take a lot of time not to mention the effort that would have to be put into it, and the chest shop plugin was removed for a reason
  8. I believe that tekkit should get the /market mail command as many of the other servers have it and it would make life easier instead of traveling to spawn just use the command, it would reduce the time it takes to retrieve an item from your mail Thanks -DaBe00593
  9. Your Name: DaBe00593Town Name: MMSCoordinates: X2376 Z-7023 Y47Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 2018-12-01 12:00 ASTDescription of Issue: I broke a diamond chest in my base, and all the items de-spawned, due to the server clear-entity Screenshots (Optional):
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