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About vladantd

  • Birthday 10/14/1998

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  • Interests
    Games, Ftb Mostly.

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  1. I'm not sure if the server uses clear lag or some other plugin, but quite a few times dropped items just disappear with no warning like 1-2 sec after they have been dropped on the ground, before i got the chance to pick them up. It can be very annoying when some machine you worked for for quite a while just randomly disappears like that.
  2. Granted, but you forget everyone who you knew. I wish i never had to eat or drink again.
  3. Granted, but you lose the keys every time you want to drive it and can't find them. I wish mods didn't have bugs.
  4. Granted, but the only site that you can access is myspace. I wish i could travel the world for free
  5. Granted, but whenever you are not using slow motion, you slow down so everythig around you seems like its happening 5x faster than normal. I wish someone cleans my house so its not a mess anymore
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