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Everything posted by EPICfighters

  1. I don't see any packages for a '1x Custom Prefix in 2 Color' for the account 'Suarez_MC'. Could you provide the Transaction ID of the purchase please. (You can DM me this)
  2. Rollback Complete
  3. Rollback Complete
  4. Do you know the rough coordinates?
  5. I have performed another rollback. I saved your current inventory so you can get your items back if I have removed any due to this rollback. If I have, please msg me on discord.
  6. From what I can tell, you built a house, then the server restarted and the house was gone? I will assume that the server had crashed, and there was a short rollback. I have checked the backup for that day, and your house is not there. We apologise for the progress you had lost, and will gladly refund any items you lost due to this.
  7. This doesn't seem to be for Tekkit? What server is this for?
  8. Rank transferred to NJ970.
  9. Reactivation Complete. In the future, please post such requests HERE.
  10. Permissions Granted. You can use the /butcher command which is one of the world edit commands. "/butcher {radius}"
  11. @NerdfuryTX I have sent you to spawn. In the future, you can purchase the Unstuck package on our store located under the Fixes tab. This is a free package and will send you to spawn. CraftersLand | Welcome (buycraft.net)
  12. EPICfighters


    Are you not able to invite each other with /is invite {name} ?
  13. When did you start playing the server? I have looked at the backups for the past three days and could not find your playerfile. Are you a new player? If so, you will have to change this topic to a refund request, as a rollback is not possible due to there being no backup file. [TEMPLATE] Refund Request - Technical Support - CraftersLand - A Minecraft Community
  14. Rollback Complete
  15. Permissions granted.
  16. Please messaged me on discord when you are online. Jord#7794 (EPICfighers)
  17. Some more information about this problem would be much appreciated. Thank you.
  18. I apologise, I used Nucleus instead of Essentials I don't know about the clan situation, I will have to look into it. Some more information would be handy too. (Maybe in a different topic to this though, with more information about your problem and how you think it happened)
  19. Commands Added. I apologise for the delay.
  20. Commands added. I apologise for the huge delay.
  21. All your points have been read and will be discussed on what will happen in the coming future. For the time being, this topic will be locked. This is because you're all just reiterating the same points in multiple replies. Topic Locked ~ Under Discussion.
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