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Everything posted by xDrews

  1. Why don't you permanently ban people who don't follow the rules continuously? Most servers I play or played on permanently ban you the second or sometimes even the first time you abuse bugs, cheat or generally give a shit about the rules, why don't you do the same, or at least similar thing? Theres no point in keeping people like this on the server, they are useless and just ruin the game. As with almost every suggestion ever posted here in the last 2 years, this will probably get ignored, but its worth a try. - xDrews
  2. xDrews


    @iiTzFermin_ thanks again for taking your time to write this, hope they will see this post and finally listen to you and the wishes of the community.
  3. Thanks for these awesome ideas, hope this will get added.
  4. what about just taking away perma from the users that use gamemode creative for bad purposes like duping? paying like 20€ for premium+ shouldn't be a free ticket to abuse it for duping in my opinion. even if you get banned for it, you easily can repeat it after getting unbanned.
  5. Hey Thanks for these awesome suggestions. I agree that Creative mode should be removed and the Plot creative changed into the PureCreative as you suggested, it might bring players too, as the current creative is dead. I also like the idea with the traders at spawn, but for that to work, the bugs that allow item duping should be fixed or it will break the server economy. Hope to see your Ideas getting added in the Game
  6. Time for another Post, has been a while since the last one! First of all, I want to thank the whole Network team for working on Assassins Craft! A lot of things have been fixed and a lot of new cool things like Glaskerville and Items got added, which i really appreciate. Same as last time, this post should be meant as a positive critique and I'm writing it because I care about the server and don’t want it to die or decrease even more. I will Cut this post into several parts, in which I talk about the server in general and then about some specific game modes. Things affecting the server in General Playercount As we all know, since some years now the player count on network has decreased a lot, this perhaps affected by the popularity of Minecraft itself or also the server. There are number of possible ways with which we could try to bring back more players to the server, which i will list below: Advertising the server You could advertise the server by maybe partnering up with for example a discord of some sort so you advertise their discord and they advertise Network. Also you could try to bring content creators to the server, like it happened some years ago with Youtubers like Inachete and Hiipo, which got a lot of views and brought a part of their community onto the server. Another way of advertising it is also social media platforms, for example on reddit or twitter where you can advertise the server and get new players interested in it. Downgrading to 1.8 1.8 is much more stable on both servers and computers and also has a better combat system than the current 1.15. A lot of players also still play on 1.8 for that reason and a lot of servers support that version too. The downgrade doesn’t need to be on the whole server, so modes like pure survival can keep getting updates like the new nether update. The server hub should be 1.8 to 1.16 and there you need to get either 1.8 for pvp modes or 1.16 for survival/creative gamemodes, as it was some time ago with 1.12/1.10/1.8. Frequent events/updates Instead of focusing on just one gamemode, make updates for the most played ones more often, they don't need to be big, it can be just small additions that will make players want to play and check out the update. Also why not make community events, where players compete or have to do something for a small prize (like ingame money)? Fixing bugs/plugins There are still some bugs that make the game a bit annoying and that are quite easy to fix for someone with a bit of knowledge about the plugins. Also I made the suggestion for a Skin plugin for cracked accounts some time ago (its called SkinsRestorer i think), why not add this? It's updated to the newest version and would give players more personality unlike now where all cracked players have to use the default steve skin. Things regarding Assassins Craft Gameplay Since the last post I’ve made a lot of bugs got fixed and some new stuff got added, but still there are some annoying things like bugs or unbalanced items, which can make the game a bit annoying or unfair. Another thing is the skill gap between players that play actively and have good gear and newcomers that are not very familiar with the server and usually get killfarmed by better players. In my opinion it is too easy to farm gold and get to a high level in a short time. To make that skill gap smaller following things could be done: Reset Resetting the entire Assassins Craft mode for every player would bring all players down to the same level, so new players also have a chance to fight against these or to go loot chests without the fear of getting followed or directly killed off spawn Decrease Loot To make better gear harder to get, chests should either have less gold / weapons in them or gear like armor or weapons should be more expensive in the shops. Another idea is to make loot more random, so there isn’t a 100% chance for at least 3 gold to spawn in a specific dungeon but that there is also the chance to get none or just some iron. For players that know every dungeon it's easy to get around 64 gold in under an hour (assuming you have fly from sponsor rank, more later). Unfair Items / Abilities Some items and other things are really unbalanced, like playing against these in a fight is really annoying or unfair. To make them more balanced they should get made weaker, so you have more chance to fight against them but that they aren’t useless. Sniper Rifle / Musket Both the Musket and Sniper can be found in some dungeons quite easily and they are really strong in ranged fights. The problem with them is that they are: too common to find in dungeons hitscan, so the bullet instantly hits there where you are aiming with the crosshair ignoring enchantments on armor and do the same damage like they do on unenchanted armor making too much damage in general, even the default sniper without any extra perks like + damage or poison can instantly kill a armored player with a headshot To make them more balanced, you could make them more rare in dungeons or take them out completely so they are only available in the market give them bullet travel and dropoff, so the shot takes some time until it hits a ranged target make them detect enchantments like protection or projectile protection and reduce damage depending on this reduce base and headshot damage, so a full enchanted diamond player doesn’t die from 2 headshots disable double rifle which can be used by having a rifle in each hand and swap to the other after shooting with the first one. Anti Knockback Shield The shield does what a hacking client with andi Knockback and Blockhitting does for you, it blocks damage from incoming attacks and also makes you resistant to any knockback an enemy would give you normally. Just think about it for a second and imagine fighting against something like this as a normal player. Overpowered right? The shields abilities could also be reduced and balanced by changing following things: Reduce the anti knockback 10 enchantment to like 5, so it blocks 50% of the knockback but not all. Give it a cooldown of some seconds until it can be used again after a certain amount of hits on it. /Fly for sponsors Just think about making a game mode focused on parkour (at least a big part) and then give players the ability to fly through the parkour to the end and get the loot that is there. Sounds pretty boring because it requires absolutely no parkour skill and is unfair to players without the permissions at the same time. Makes it pretty much pay to win, as I said somewhere above with fly you can get a stack of gold in less than an hour, while free players need to do every parkour without fly and have a higher risk of dying by falling into a trap or lava and take much longer to get the same amount of gold. Removing fly completely would be fair to every player that hasn’t paid 50€ just to upgrade their stuff faster. Also it would remove the ability to pvp while flying completely. Things regarding other gamemodes Pure Survival Creative Mode It’s a SURVIVAL server, so why is there a creative mode? There is also a Creative server meant for creative building, and I think having creative mode gives an unfair advantage, you don’t have any challenge achieving something compared to players that don’t have a sponsor rank and have to do all their things in normal survival. Also creative brings exploits like doing PVP with creative generated Items. Yes, its written in the rules that its not allowed, but not everyone doing it can get caught and not every player knows that their enemy is using generated items that took no effort to make. World Edit I think Worldedit is a great tool, but it should rather be something for the Creative since it also gives unfair advantages, bypasses claims, like you can delete someones house which is claimed and also blocks generated with World Edit don’t have a Creative tag, so you can mine them as a survival player and make whatever you want with them. This ruins the economy when someone can create stacks of diamond blocks and give them to others or sell them in the market. Nether Update The server got 1.16 compatible some time ago and we still can’t use the new Netherite items or go into the new nether biomes. Updating the server completely to at least 1.16 or higher and removing 1.15 support could allow you to enable these things which would be really cool and also would make players come back to the server to try out these new things. CTW 1.8 downgrade Yes, this was talked about multiple times, but we still got no real answer to why id doesn’t get done. The server has no players currently, so why don’t you give it a try and put it back to 1.8? In that version it had the most players since there was the old PVP system and also the chat still worked. There is nothing to lose, since the lobby server can just be 1.8 up to 1.16 compatible, and in there you can choose between the different servers that just require different minecraft versions. Advertise this gamemode There are not many minecraft servers having a gamemode like this. The only one that I can think about is Hypixel, which usually has a lot of lag and doesn’t have a good anticheat. So why not use this as an advantage to get players that like the concept of Capture the wool and don’t want a lot of lag? Use sites like reddit that have categories where you can promote a minecraft server. That was a lot of writing, hope it was worth it. Thanks to everyone taking his time to read this, if you want feel free to comment your own ideas or give feedback. And yes, the formatting is weird since I made it in google docs and the website doesn't seem to like that xD.
  7. new post soon...

  8. or just reset the nether world, since 1.16 is mostly focused on it
  9. would be nice then if you could transfer money from AC to puresurvival, since in pure you only can get money by selling stuff to others, wihch can take a long time until you got 100k together.
  10. Thanks!
  11. I agree with the removal of Creative mode, since it's still a survival server and network even has its own creative server. To worldedit I have a idea but in not sure if that would be possible performancewise or because of missing plugins: When i played a bif of modded i discovered a "Building wand" which allows players to create large areas of blocks, and it takes them out of their inventory. My Idea would be something similar for worldedit, if a player has the right amount of the needed block in his inventory, the structure will get created, and if he has less than needed it wont. with that worldedit would just be a useful tool for faster building and it wont get abused, since the generated blocks get taken out of the players inventory.
  12. i totally agree with you, i wasn't online for like 2 days now and i come back and first thing my friend shows me that someone cut a 1 block thin slice with worldedit through our base. also, the same guy deleted all of his chests and replaced them with /redo, which deletes all the things in them.
  13. Account Name: xDrews_YT Rank: Sponsor Requested Commands: /time /weather Reason for Request: Me and also other players don't really like when it's night or its raining, since you can't skip it by sleeping (unless everyone goes to bed at the same time). Also phantoms are really annoying and distracting when you are outside at night.
  14. Made a little server trailer of the craftersland Network server actually planned to do it 2 years ago but forgot about it. Hope you like it
  15. To Deal with the spawncamping problem, i thought about something like this: I Tested it on singleplayer with a downladed spawn. It gives you weakness and regeneration on level 30 so you cant really do damage or get any. when you get out of spawn the effect lasts 20 more seconds, which is enough to get out of the city.
  16. there used to be a content creator rank but its no more. alsou you needed some followers
  17. About 2 years ago I already wrote a post similar to this one here and I decided to write an updated version now, as players are coming back on the server. In the last post I wrote, i talked about the server in general, in this one, i’ll be concentrating on Assassins Craft, as it’s the most played one at the moment and the other game modes either are unplayed, so it won’t be worth talking about their problems or they don't have any problems. I saw a lot of new players join Assassins Craft in the last days and also saw some players returning, which i haven’t seen in years. I don’t really know what caused that amount of players to join the server, but i am happy to see the server having population again. Maybe its the general Minecraft hype that’s coming back due to more free time caused by the coronavirus or just because Assassins Craft is a unique gamemode that doesn’t exist on any other server. Also there were a few smaller Content updates on the server like the Scythe armor and the opening of the Winter Village dungeons that are really liked by the community. Aside of all those cool things that are happening on the server right now, there still are things that need to be FIXED and possible SOLUTIONS, about which i will talk now: Spawncamping: Now that there are a lot of players active in Assassins Craft again, we again have the problem that players with high level Equipment (Like diamond Armor etc.) are Spawn Camping and also following low level players and beginners out of spawn to kill them. To stop this from happening, there could be a sowan protection added, that allows people to go out of spawn and have like 10 seconds of in which they are unkillable and can’t deal any damage. With this we could: stop people waiting at the spawn exit until someone leaves from killing them give beginners the chance to exit the spawn and the city without getting attacked and killed. Grappling Hooks: BUG GOT FIXED Fly PvP: Players with Sponsor or a higher Rank have the ability to use the /fly command to fly around the map. This feature also brings the problem that it can be abused to fight while flying in the air, which brings a lot of disadvantage to the enemy and ruins their gameplay. I know, it says in the rules that its forbidden, but why not directly do something in the game against it? My Idea would be, that whenever a player activates fly with the /fly command, he won’t be able to deal or take any damage. With this we could make Fly PvP impossible, because the player who is flying, can't attack anyone. Sniper Rifles: In my opinion, the Sniper Rifles (Netherbricks) are too overpowered, especially the Epic and Rare ones, that can be found in dungeons. They deal 5+ hearts of damage on a player, who has Full diamond armor with every piece enchanted on Protection 4. the Rifle shots seem to ignore the protection enchantments on armor and do full damage, like they would do on aa unenchanted set of armor. Make the Rifles detect the enchantments the armor have and lower the damage on armors with Protection and Projectile Protection enchantments. Scythes Armor: First of all, thank you for bringing the armor back into the game. In its current state, the Scythe armor is a bit useless for the fact it has a 1% spawn rate and is only obtainable in 4 dungeons. Its a normal leather armor with unbreaking 3 on it, except its dyed. NOTE: I don’t know if the armor is still being worked on. Giving the armor additional enchantments or potion effects would be a cool addition and the armor would be worth wearing in a fight. For example: A slight regeneration effect that gives back health over time while wearing the armor. It increases with every armor part you’re wearing A high unbreaking enchantment, since it’s still a leather armor and it has a low durability Jump boost on the boots. This post isn’t meant to show that the staff is doing a bad job, and it's not my intention to discourage anyone. I really appreciate all the things they are doing and i know that they have a lot of work to do with all the modded servers. I think that was it for the moment and i hope it wasn’t a total waste of time to write that. Thanks to everyone who took their time to read this, and feel free to comment something if you like to. EDIT: I don't know why everything is bold, i cant change it.
  18. that would mean all other servers (cracked or not) would have the same problem, which isnt the case. Also, as far as i know, we have staff for network that are there to handle this. Also what about hackers? they already can join the server without a problem (things like xRay that the anticheat doesnt detect). that would be the same problem as skin abusing.
  19. As you may know most of the Players on network have only the default skin, because they use a free account. My Idea would be to install a Plugin that allows Cracked players to play with a skin, because i heard about some players that are annoyed that they cant see their skin. Also, i don't think anyone want to use the default skin, its nothing special or unique. I checked for plugins and found one called SkinsRestorer, which is available for version 1.8 up to newest 1.15.1 and is intended for that use. Maybe there are better alternatives, idk. Link for the plugin: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/skinsrestorer.2124/
  20. do you have a video of me fighting you? bcs as i said in chat, i stopped fighting, ran away and then i started flying after i escaped, didnt use fly while fighting. https://imgur.com/a/Av1XYKm look, it says while flying, and thats something i didnt do.
  21. xDrews

    Claimed areas!!!

    there is also the problem that random areas in the nether are just claimed which is just stupid bcs you can just get stuck in there. same with random parts of nether fortresses where you cant get trough.
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