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Out of the Water

Out of the Water (3/26)



  1. Everyday I get into the server , the first thing I will see is the reactors fuel is critical and the power generation is low. When I looked at the reactor , there were a ton of waste accumulating in the rods. When looked deeply around the automated fuel refill system, I found a cables on the ground and a holes in the wall. When I looked ahead , yes~ the cables were ripped apart. This may caused by the security teminal , because before I put it on the system , nothing did self-destruction for a week. Good new is no drives were lost this time , and no need for rollback request , because when the drives are dropped, the hopper near to it will bring them to the safe storage place , waiting for me or someone to go and reinstall them again. But for the cable , unfortunately , they were lost forever. ?
  2. The new from the mall The grand opening of Malavian Plaza will be situated sometime after 25 Oct this year. The main structure is completed , and inner interior has began!
  3. This is the further progress about the building, now its main structure is already built up to three floors. This is the view a the front of the building, only one floor left and its roof top. The gardent at the back of the building. The roof top. In the hall. This secret tunnel leads to the another building, and that power line is for carring the power from the generator to the mall.
  4. Thank for collecting that.
  5. I'm back again with the new update about my plaza. New expansion of the plaza is under construction, this department will serve as the shopping center with a lot of function to do in it. This is the front look of the new building. [ Not yet completed ] The main theme of the mall is Babylon, from Mesotopemia. [ History ] When entered the building, the first thing you will see is the information counter. [ But now will be only the framed escalator ] A little further steps in the building. Basement level.
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