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Out of the Water

Out of the Water (3/26)



  1. I have been playing on this server for 2-3 weeks now and i have figured out that here is no working chunkloader. On a Po2 (project ozon) server i plaied on before thay had put in a premium thingy. Exemple if i was VIP i would have acsess to 10 offline and 3online chunkloaders but here is what im thinking of. If you try code a plugin or something to continuum you can try do like iron blocks can be turn into a online chunk loader with a blaze rod (or another item) and maybe i diamond block can be offline chunk loader. You use the same thingy for activate the ofline on like the online one. When you`re in it you can choose how many chunys you want it to load but it cant load more then you ahve perms to jsut saying. i hope this is something that can happend in the future -marcus
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