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Everything posted by Thakurz

  1. off course not talking about Luna (moon) already visited that place.
  2. Nope still same issue cant see any planets.
  3. Maybe turning off B:planetsMustBeDiscovered=false on both server side and client side can help reaching further just a suggestion. https://github.com/FTBTeam/FTB-Continuum/issues/304 I did some research and found AR is broken in many way.
  4. Few things are still broken with rocketry cant find single planet wasted almost 3K data to research also tried with artifacts just i was able to find litherite i have planet id chip but i cant use till i went to Etech Conglomerate solar system. Just found this error message in logs file https://pastebin.com/uNw2xbRZ
  5. Well i am not sure about Revelation and DW20 1.12 i never faced such over on those 2 server just on continuum. Other than Steve's carts and Tech Reborn there is no other chunk loader solution. Xnet is issue still there after every restart GUI get broken as well actually additions relays get reset need to use wrench again.
  6. yes it happens on each restart as far i found and redoing xnet configuration again is really pain.
  7. admin any update been week almost no reply yet.
  8. Hello Admins, I have started using xnet mod to automated few process i have setup everything and it was working before i relogin server again gui get broken (see screenshot) i can put filters and everything in single player game everything is working flawlessly. Another issue there are only 2 chunkloaders in this mod pack one from Tech Reborn which is disabled by default i guess steve's cart one cant be crafter on server but it is working in single player. There are not much machine which can help automate things but which are there broken pls look into. Thanks
  9. Please add rare ingots which are not easy to craft in mid games likes titanium, bronze, zinc etc. in Legendary creates and spawn shop.
  10. Sorry for bumping old thread. Anyway i am facing same issue even after server is updated 2 days back. - Can't link crafting table (venilla) with floating crystal tried with 3 different crystal in overwold (DW20 - 1.12) - Without creating luminous crafting table can't open new chapter "Exploration" - Even after buying Resonating Wand, luminos crafting table can't craft simple things like grindstone. Asrtal sorcery is broken at the moment. I have tested this mod in single player everything working fine.
  11. Waiting for July Months top voter result
  12. Found the issue installed Java 8 and uninstalled java 10.
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