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Everything posted by IDA

  1. Wippety wipe.
  2. Tekkit classic when Enigmatica expert is meh just another grindy modpack. Dungeons and dragons truly is the peak of minecraft modding haha, would be a fun modpack has some decent gameplay but you probably would need to keep wipin the server every half a month or so. All the mods 3 probably will end up giving everyone an ethereal lag experience we already have with all the skyfactory servers, tekkit and inf evolved. Project Oz is quite a fun modpack but also will most likely end up giving everyone an ethereal lag experience that sends you to the 4th dimension and back every second or so. Texkit 3 is still in beta as far as i know and well why bother we already got tekkit
  3. Tekkit should be wiped every 2 months or so its not even a joke at this point.
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