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Everything posted by TeeMee123

  1. Dynamos Dynamos are pretty good in continuum. There are various types of dynamos. They can have specialist augments added to drastically change their behaviour, but often for the best. Always upgrade your dynamos to Resonant level so that they can have 4 augments. Key Augments: Boiler conversion augment: Changes the dynamo (magmatic, compression or steam) to produce loads of steam instead of RF (see my other guide on fluid transfer for how to deal with all the steam). The steam should then be used with steam dynamos with the turbine conversion augment to produce more power per unit fuel than if you just used the one dynamo. This extra efficiency is particularly high for steam dynamos burning solid fuels. Fuel Catalyzer augment: Makes the dynamo produce more power/steam per unit fuel. Stuff as many of these in as you can, if the dynamos are cheaper than the fuel production or when fuel is limited (e.g. when running off pumpjack oil). Auxiliary Transmission Coil augment: Increases the rate at which power is made, and also the rate at which fuel, coolant etc is consumed. Coolants Compression dynamos (without boiler conversion augment) and Magmatic dynamos (with isentropic reservoir augment) can accept coolants. There are only two relevant types in continuum: water and gelid cryotheum. Your best bet would probably be water if fuel efficiency isn't so important to you, or the much better but more complex to make Gelid Cryotheum. Gelid Cryotheum is actually basically renewable if you have a fluid transposer and fill snowballs with essense of knowledge (from a mob farm that you'll need anyway) to get the blizz powder, and have some redstone to spare. Alternatively just make it with the Absolute bee. Yet another solution, but only for the compression dynamo, would be to sacrifice an augment slot for the Closed-Loop Cooling augment, which stops the dynamo consuming coolant, but it still requires some coolant to be in it to work. Compression Dynamo Burns various types of oil and uses water too. The type of oil affects how long 100mb of that oil will last. You can see all the fuels accepted and their efficiency here: https://teamcofh.com/docs/thermal-expansion/compression-dynamo/ They process a huge range of oils, while the semifluid generator will only process crude oil and creosote (although it seems to process creosote better than compression dynamos). To process Refined Fuel, use the Ignition Plugs augment. Tip: Use Immersive Engineering's fluid pipes to input both the oil and the water down the same pipe at the same time, saving space. The fluid pipe is quite slow but the dynamos don't use much fluid so it's fine. If you do not put the boiler conversion in, you can use gelid cryotheum for a lot more power, otherwise you are restricted to just water. Enervation Dynamo with Disjunctive Extraction This dynamo when paired with the Disjunctive Extraction augment, can eat up enchanted books, tools, armour, etc, to produce a lot of energy. Excellent use for the bunch of enchanted stuff coming from your mob farm. Don't forget the fuel efficiency (Fuel Catalyzer) augments. Steam Dynamo without Turbine Conversion When used without the turbine conversion, this dynamo can be used to burn solid fuels for power. The boiler conversion on this dynamo will let it make much more steam than the other dynamo types. How to do a steam setup with oil: Do not do this with crude oil (see below section)! Stuff each compression dynamo with 3 Fuel Catalyzer augments and 1 Boiler Conversion augment. Stuff each steam dynamo with 3 Auxiliary Transmission Coil augments and 1 Turbine Conversion augment. FOUR of these steam dynamos need SEVEN of these compression dynamos. If you have this ratio even slightly off, you will waste a lot of fuel! The steam dynamos will use up steam even if they cant output the power, and the compression dynamos will use fuel even if they cant output any steam. You should turn all the dynamos off with redstone if your power storage is full. Fun fact: steam dynamos will still use up steam even if they are powered off (so don't give them any more). The steam setup is best and will give you just over 5% better fuel efficiency than if you just had the compression dynamo on its own with gelid cryotheum coolant and producing power directly. Crude Oil There are three types of black oil, two are called crude oil and one is just called oil from Tech Reborn. The Tech Reborn oil is not going to be mentioned here as it is processed in a completely different way. Out of the two crude oil types, you will only really get the Immersive Petroleum one, which comes from the Pumpjack. The Pumpjack will output oil at a good rate until its main supply is depleted and it is reduced to a very low rate which will never stop. Until then it will probably give you 8 million milibuckets, depending on the chunk. Crude oil should be processed in the Fractioning Still with the Reflux Column augment. The tar can then be used as fuel and Naptha processed into Refined Fuel, which can then be processed for huge amounts of power in Compression Dynamos with the Ignition Plugs augment (not compatible with steam but probably better, also letting you add better coolant than water). The Immersive Petroleum distillation tower multiblock gives you worse fuels and not enough of them to make it worth it. The tower also gives you bitumin for Asphalt Concrete (note that this does not make you walk faster) and lubricant to make your crushers and other IE machines run quicker, although lubricant can also be made with renewable plant oil.
  2. Guide to transporting fluids Laser relays can extract and insert liquids at an effectively infinite rate. All fluiducts can handle infinite mb/t flow rate through them but there's a catch. If the fluid passes through a resonant servo/retriever (other tiers the same or worse) or a hardened fluiduct, then each face of the duct system after that point can only output some amount per tick depending on the fluid (for steam it's 600mb/t, water 120mb/t, most others 80mb/t). This means you can still get more flow rate if you have multiple faces outputting fluid. Super-laminar fluiducts don't impose this limit, and if input to the ducts is done automatically by something else (e.g. laser relay), i.e. without a servo or retriever, you won't get a limit and fluids will flow at an infinite rate. Liquid translocators can move 1000mb/t if you upgrade them with a piece of glowstone dust by right clicking them with it. XNet lets you easily move lots of fluid but it is bugged (every month or so all configurations of controllers and connectors and stuff will be messed up). Transfer pipe systems are cheap but bugged, it seems like being near them stops them moving anything at all. Immersive Engineering fluid pipes can move multiple fluids along the same pipe at the same time (while fluiducts can't), and are relatively cheap.
  3. Cont. comes with this which is usable in single player and suggests compatibility with multiplayer: https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/ftb-utilities/pages/claimed-chunks On a separate note, I've worked out that on this server, players don't load the chunks near them, but instead load blocks in a 48-block (3 chunk widths) radius sphere around them. This means that a base that fits in a sphere of radius 24 blocks (1.5 chunk widths) would be fully loaded if you are anywhere in it.
  4. sorry but is that a yes or a no? is the world file being replaced or is it some separate thing thats kept? if its getting replaced, I would like to have my items still, along with a lot of other people I believe
  5. when would the restart be? also, could we be allowed to take items over, including those in bags and shulker boxes?
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