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Manysouls last won the day on October 20 2022

Manysouls had the most liked content!

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  1. Issue was solved. Topic can be closed.
  2. This happens only inside my chunk. [MOD]Undertakering confirmed the faulty chunk. Description: When i try to place a Geothermal Generator(haven't confirmed with other blocks yet) they become an invisible block as you can see in the video. This happens only when Chunk Loader is active.
  3. Achievement book can be crafted, not a big issue at all. More so if you play on Sf4 where you can simply check achievement tab(default key: L)
  4. Seems you have either a newer version of java eighter run multiple instance of java version. Just use java 8 should 100% fix ur problem. here is a download link https://www.java.com/en/download/manual.jsp?
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