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Everything posted by AtomicGrog

  1. Looks like you are trying to connect with either the wrong pack or wrong pack version, or maybe you are not connecting to the correct server. the pack version I believe you need is dungeons dragons & space shuttles version 5.7b
  2. A little background first: 1. A key low/med/later tier power source in game is the 'NumisMatic Dynamo', it runs on Diamonds, for which the obvious source is Deep Mod Learning (DML). However to get the diamonds, a semi complicated piece piece of cobblestone processing, ender pearl liquifying and other trickery takes place to get the DML Pulsating Polymer Clay. Net effect is a bunch of DML Mob Simulators (Sims) with Enderman and Shulker Data Models inside. Setups of around 40-50 sims for diamond production is common case. 2. In addition to the Diamond production players also use DML to produce a widely varied set of source materials automatically starting with Iron Ingots and inclusive of blaze rods, sulfur etc. etc. In short DML has become the equivalent Void miner of Rev, the Hoppers of SF4 and the Sieves of SF2.5/3 etc. ... Where does this lead to? 100+ DML Simulators is now becoming common place. For power and materials and without the likes of a void miner/sieves irreplaceable. They are i'm informed low load but that's a relatively short minded view. In addition to the Sims there's also cables/pipes/conduits associated with them as well as power to generate to run them My suggestion to reduce server load/impact is to: (1) Increase the Diamond Drops from 6 to 12 per pristine pearl. Diamonds have no significant value in-game by the time you are running DML and are quite abundant in veins with an appropriate scanner. To do this the DML config file (deepmoblearning,cfg) would have a section updated: # Shulker S:shulker < minecraft:shulker_shell,6,0 minecraft:diamond,12,0 > (2) Increase the pristine pearl drop rate across the whole of DML in a linear manner. Ie 5%, 10%, 20%, 30% becomes 15%, 30%, 60%, 90%. Net impact would be a reduction in need across the board to run DML, in many cases a single Sim would suffice for many types. To do this the same DML config file would have a section updated to: "pristine matter chance" { I:tier1=15 I:tier2=30 I:tier3=60 I:tier4=90 } (3) A staff recommendation of 50 sims/player max. Considering that diamond production will be 6 times faster, the typical 40-50 shulker sims could be less than 10. And others improved by a factor of 3 the only real hurdle players would need to tackle would be the number of model types of which there are 15. Removing 10 for diamonds, another say 5 for ender pearls (for power production) leaves plenty for the remainder with a healthy few left for extra 'spurts' of material when needed. ... I've tested the above changes in solo, to see if the graphics and production outputs align to config - they do. However i'd also noticed that if deployed server side only that the GUI will reflect the wrong numbers, but I don't see this as a significant issue, its drop rates, not a craft screen being manipulated. All in all this isn't likely to be a server saver. But it's a step in the right direction considering the TPS issue we have.
  3. Yes. I can’t recall specifics but it may also only be 1 chunk. Certainly no larger than 3x3. assuming it’s 3x3 you broadly have 6x6 coverage. If you needed more (putting aside the wonder of why) you could purchase more allocation from buycraft, it comes in lots of 6. Ie 1 purchase would allow for 3x3 chunk loader ie 9x9 chunks (because you could deploy upto 4+6 loaders). A second purchase would allow 4x4 loaders ie 12x12 chunks. Also worth checking your claim size. Is it that large (I don’t recall). It’s possible you can build beyond your claim but not protect it.
  4. There’s a chunk loader (search for something like ‘chunk loading ward’) for this. It will keep chunks loaded until next server restart. Of note: the villager in the recipe needs to be ‘contracted’ ie you offer a contract to a villager, if he accepts them grab him in a lasso, if he doesn’t move into the next... from experience I’d say you have approx a 1 in 3 chance of the contract being accepted.
  5. Yup its an all in a bit like Rev in that respect.
  6. Tbh would like to play a multi that doesn't have all the jump aheads stuff from crates etc., even our hard packs have people buying keys etc. to skip ahead, but i posted for 'All the Mods' because it was 1st I played after 5ish years gap and it's un-finished business.
  7. Or maybe where you can hire people to do the build for you... or having pre-templated towns/islands/whatever. Personally not for me, as mentioned not much of a stretch on what we can do now if we wanted too.. i think it would only worth with large player numbers and most the packs and i suspect the game itself could cope with 200's of players.
  8. Real life cash on ingame? I was informed my 'Max Homes' would be brought forward for example.
  9. Name: Paul IGN: AtomicGrog Age: 56 soon (choke one that :p) Crafter's Land Servers you play: Actively SF4, in total SF2.5/3/4, SB2, will change weekly/monthly Location: Sydney Australia (but it a Brit :p) A short description of yourself: Old, using games to pass my evenings away, local TV is crap. Have a very technical background, historically I’ve stripped engines, repaired gearboxes, managed systems, tested communications radio equipment, laid floors, built computers (from bare board upwards), had a 3D prInter for 5+ years etc. was part of team debugging Linux tcp/ip stack in 80s. Have wife, 2 kids (older than most here... 17 and 23), 2 dogs. I like to help others, will almost always speak my mind and typically suffer consequences afterwards but won’t normally be first to volunteer for pain. Could go on... Hobbies and interests: Computer games, but I enjoy them more for their technical content than their presentation. Ideal game for me would be one that would need fixing fixing things is my #1 hobby RC cars, have an upgraded Traxxis 4x4, don’t use it too much as I have a habit of wrecking it. Stuff around the house, latest toy is a cement mixer. Discord / Skype Name: AtomicGrog/Reserved but obvious
  10. Hasn't the pack been somewhat replaced by Odyssey? maybe worth polling the current users to see if they're likely to move on anyway.
  11. Turns out the bug relates to charged items, so in short best to not put charged items up on market as they run the high probability of them disappearing. Another player in-game was knowledgable of the issue and gave advice. Is there any way a warning could be added to the market device, another sign maybe saying something like 'dont sell charged items'. Cheers, Atomic
  12. I recently posted a refund for a number of drac and other items which i put on sale which vanished. When I mean vanish they were no longer on market listing, i didnt receive any funds and they dont appear in the market history command. Nor did i get a little booklet detailing their sale. The link is here: What wasn't listed there, principally because i didn't care about a refund at the time was approx. 5 soul-binder books. After posting the refund Lancelot kindly refunded the items and we chatted about best way to put items on market. I had previously used the "/market create <value> command', he proceeded to show/demonstrate the use of the market block at spawn. Next day I checked and the two items I had put up had disappeared - One drac chest and one drac staff (same items as before, less volume). I asked Lancelot if he recalled me putting them on market he replied with a yes. I told him they had disappeared... and got a 'strange' styled response. I repeated the process today. And am pretty confident that they were on market up until the server rebooted and afterwards they too had gone when i was looking to put more item on market (I'm a glutton for punishment...). I can cope with the item losses, I have access to plenty of drac, hearts etc. but apart from votes etc. it's pretty much my only access to ingame $ and i want to buy a few more items yet from spawn shops. Could someone please investigate? I'm willing to chat on discord/ingame if it helps. Even willing to repeat the process.
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