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Everything posted by Peridot12

  1. Several refund requests are due lag clear and us not knowing when it is. With this, it will severely reduce the amount of those requests
  2. Your Name: Tow121 Item Name + Amount: chunkloader - 1 Coordinates (format x, y, z): N/A Coordinates of Death Tablet placed in a chest: N/A Description of Issue: I do not know where i put my 10th chunkloader and i need my Balance reset
  3. Cell card id 3 i get 12 mil energy that fills the cell quickly and breaking the cell and replacing it refills it when it empties
  4. This happens randomly but every time i come over to my cables, 1 is broken off and i have to replace it. My entire base is claimed and i can only think its a server error. -Tow121 (formerly: rose000)
  5. Anytime i leave the end through the portal, i get stuck at spawn in the air and have to disconnect from the server for it to fix itself. Every other dimension i got into and exit is fine.
  6. https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/forces-of-nature-fon-mod-pack https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/ftb-builders-paradise https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/aether-legacy https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/the-mining-dead-1-12-2 i think those would be fun
  7. i require assistance

  8. i do thaum and know that taint seeds spawn when rifts collapse but there were way too many over there for them to be spawned naturally, if this person is the one who griefed spawn, them a temp ban isnt enough, perma ban him if this is the one who has griefed spawn and griefed all of the player bases
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