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Everything posted by LouisFerdi

  1. Went ahead and polymerized the genes for you. Items Refunded T/C
  2. Items refunded T/C
  3. this was a lag issue, i was on the server when presumably the reactor exploded and yes there was a big lag spike
  4. [Claim Rollback Request]LouisFerdi Your Name:LouisFerdi Coordiantes: X:3801 Y:63 Z:1046 Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine)(day/month/year): 22-OCT-2022 16:30 GMT+7 Description of Issue: someone griefed my base Screenshots (Optional):
  5. Hello,the server doesn't use a whitelist system.
  6. [Inventory Rollback Request]LouisFerdi Your Name: LouisFerdi Coordinates: ~ ~ ~ Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine, including timezone) (day/month/year): 9May2021 14:30 GMT+7 Description of Issue: i did /clean thinking it would clear items on the ground but instead it cleared my inventory Screenshots (Optional):
  7. Happens because WarpTheory can't spawn a wither Anyhow,i set your warp to 0 reply to this thread if any issues arise
  8. i agree with this since the modpack is very well maintained and pack devs listen to the players in my opinion it's more updated than most FTB packs
  9. Can we increase the apricorn plant limit per chunk from 32 to 64 or more since farming them is hard if there's a limit of 32 plants each chunk
  10. Try the Unstuck Package https://craftersland.buycraft.net/category/1347141 And if you have it,Paste the crashlog link by pressing getlink and copying that so we can remove the problematic block
  11. try removing the VanillaFix mod
  12. Seems like you don't have the transmutation knowledge,correct me if im wrong
  13. I sent you to spawn,try joining now
  14. We can't add EnderIO because it would require a mod and config change on all the players that are playing on the server
  15. Botania's rod of the bifrost(banned) Leads to progression lock because it is used to make bifrost glass which is used to make a terra catalyst which is used to make a gaia agglomeration plate,it is used to make gaiasteel which is used in making other recipes
  16. I found some quests that are unachievable *White magic-T2 -teru teru bozu(banned) *Protectors Of The Earth -Mining Dynamite(banned)
  17. Temporal bee's effect is accelerate Basically it speeds up things inside it's territory,since the last update the effect was presumably disabled.please enable it
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