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Everything posted by Undertakerin

  1. sry to tell you that this is way too long to restore an island, your island is wiped forever, so you have to start again if you want.
  2. asked user, nothing important missing, so it can be closed. closed
  3. trace9 was banned for a week, and pls be patient until the rollback is done, you should overthink your island to prevent griefing, an island is just 256x256x256, so never built outside the island claim, we try our best to help.
  4. we tried to help you via discord, but it looked like you left, so i close this topic, if you still have issues let us know.
  5. sry to say that, but we often say in chat other dimensions besides overworld where the islands are getting reset every now and then, so you should never build in another dimension except overworld, it was your won fault, not from the server. but you may could do a refund request if you knew the stuff you had, otherwise, sry your stuff is gone.
  6. closed for inactivity, if it's still needed., make a new post.
  7. closed for inactivity, if it's still needed, make a new post.
  8. closed for inactivity, if it's still needed, make a new post.
  9. closed for inactivity, if there is still a prob. make a new post.
  10. i think player isn't playing anymore, so closed... if the player comes back, they can make a new post.
  11. he used the command /claimname Sets the name of your claim to rename the island, so closed cause it was solved.
  12. closed, cause not needed anymore
  13. items and money refunded closed
  14. duplicate closed
  15. not needed anymore closed
  16. use this template: copy it, edit your post and paste it and fill out, then a manager can rollback your inv, otherwise you can't get any item back
  17. is that still a problem? send the crash log or logs and screen from the kick to Veber01 in the technical channel in discord and make sure to have java for 64bit and updated graphics driver.
  18. sry to say, but it was a user fault, so sadly not refundable... talked also to other staffers, all said not refundable, i'm very sorry about closed p.s. if you got a new or other problem, feel free to post it here.
  19. as our claim was rollbacked, we need a quest and advancements reset too. Name: Undertakerin Name: ZRD255 thx in advance
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