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Everything posted by Undertakerin

  1. the servers got protected with a plugin and there is also a plugin/mod that needs to be added in the main folder from the mod pack, i uploaded it here to download: https://www.file-upload.net/download-14786082/Log4jPatcher-1.0.0.jar.html click on this site on the blue download button with the white cloud on it, then it should download.
  2. Undertakerin


    the skyblock servers don't get wiped, only if there is a big problem like the server got hacked or the eco was destroyed, etc. but old islands get purged after like 3 months inactivity. and yes the lag is a huge problem, but it's 90% the fault of the users, cause they have very fast spawners running and don't collect the items on the ground, have giant smelteries filled, they use tons of cyclic cables, have more than 50 bonsais running or bonsais on pipes, big SSN's running, etc. and on the other side, the modpack is bad coded from darkosto (modpack creator) and twilight forest is abandoned and unstable for 1.12.x version, so if all these things come together, then it lags like hell, that's why "we" the staff team always try to find lag sources and say the users to change their setups, etc., but we're not robots, we're humans, we have families, school, university, friends, work, etc. so we can't be online for 24/7 to care about the server.. please understand this. i'm trying to get sf4 a spawn shop for twilight stuff, but i can't decide, the admins and managers have to do this, that's why i made this thread:
  3. post for crafterzoey, she choosed those items/blocks (marked in red lines): so basically her favs are spawn eggs and the deco blocks and saplings, for prices i need to wait for an answer from her. edit: her answers for the prices: 50 for 64 saplings? 1k for a spawn egg? I have not seen the other shops but should be fair? 750 for a stack of any of the metal blocks? They are only about as good as iron in terms of armour and weapons anyway 250 for the giant lily pad? 1k for each of the giant door pieces? 250 for a stack of arorea? 50 for a stack of maze stone? are these too cheap or? idk what i am doing 500 for the smoke stuff, 750 for the glow worm queen 100 for a stack of any of the misc plants left over? 75 for the transformation powder. that shouldnt be expensive atleast
  4. Hi guys, i made some Screenshots of all items from the twilight (don't wonder, i using Soartex Fanver for Modded Servers) to ask all of you guys what items should get selled at the spawn if they make a Spawn Shop for Twilight items to prevent going in the twilight and lagging or crashing the server, or maybe to disable the twilight. now it's on you guys, pick the items you would have if a spawn shop comes for twilight stuff and the price for them, like for example "1 naga spawn egg for 500$" pls list the items like i made the example and list it under this post or cut the items from the screen and make a picture of the items if you don't know the items and post it... and PLS DO NOT ENTER THE TWILIGHT IF YOU DON'T KNOW THE ITEMS!, then go to single player, go in gm 1 there and search for the item(s) in the creative menu, some items can't get sold, like the mini naga yard or the thorns from the castle or the imaginary not here sword, etc. if you guys don't decide, then don't cry when your fav. item isn't sold at spawn if a spawn shop comes, you had the decision in this post, we need everyone of you to decide, pls don't waste your voice, decide now in this post!
  5. if people have problems with that or their game/client crashes when entering the single player mode, just copy this: # Configuration file general { S:acceptedModes < normal titan kappa > S:packMode=kappa } it needs to have exactly 13 lines as seen here in notepad++ : paste it in notepad++ and save it as new file named packmode.cfg and then put this file in your config folder from project ozone 3 and replace the existing one with the new one and then restart the whole client and game or if this is way too complicated too, then download the file here (for free and without any virus, etc.): https://filehorst.de/d/dDEfJfIf wait 15 seconds and then click "Jetzt zur Downloadseite" and download the file, put it in your config folder from PO3 and replace the existing file and then restart the whole client and game. if you made it correctly, then kappa mode is enabled and you can craft all the recipes in PO3.
  6. du brauchst dafür entweder den craftersland launcher, multimc launcher oder curseforge launcher um skyfactory 4 zu downloaden und im launcher zu installieren um das modpack spielen zu können, alternativ kannst du skyfactory 4 auch auf curseforge.com runterladen, die aktuelle SF4 version ist 4.2.2. im übrigen im forum, sowie auch im chat ingame und auf auf dem discord wird nur englisch gesprochen, bitte beachte dies nächstes mal! hier die links: craftersland launcher: https://forum.craftersland.net/topic/28535-craftersland-launcher-released-v122-fine-tune-your-experience-to-the-max/ multimc launcher: https://multimc.org/#Download curseforge launcher: https://curseforge.overwolf.com/ modpack auf curseforge.com: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/skyfactory-4/files java (64 bit für win10 pc!): https://www.java.com/en/download/manual.jsp? und du solltest min. 8-12GB ram zur freien verfügung haben für das modpack, da es sonst ruckelt/laggt oder du komplette abbrüche usw. hast. hast du cracked minecraft musst du zwingend den craftersland launcher nutzen, da du sonst nicht spielen kannst, oder du kannst dir minecraft kaufen bei ner tanke, drogerie (dm/rossmann), größerer supermarkt, einige lotto stellen oder teils online für ca. 20€ statt 40€, dann kannst du auch regulär minecraft spielen und den curse und multimc launcher ohne probleme nutzen, achte aber drauf nicht die bedrock version zu kaufen. hier die grafiken wie die karten aussehen zum kaufen von minecraft: *bild kann ähnlich sein, es darf nur nicht bedrock drauf stehen oder windows 10.
  7. uh sheesh that thread is/was old, but yeah i find the idea of an thread that tells you the limits is a good idea, otherwise ppl could say there is no thread or something like rules that says i can only have xx bonsais or hoppers, etc. so i can setup 300 bonsais or i can build a giant smeltery and fill it up or i can have clocks running at 1 ticks, cause there are no official rules for that. and. btw. there is a max of 50 bonsais per island allowed (inofficial). and i think if there were rules to prevent lags, then the server may could run more smoothly at a higher tps rate then now... now it's mostly between 0.?? - 10 tps. but for that a admin or mod needs to make a thread and pin it in the forum.
  8. that's not a potential grief or admin abuse edge has removed the bonsais/pipes with obsi and from your smeltery the block too cause they've caused lags. and btw. there are only 50 bonsais allowed per island... PER ISLAND! not per player! and that's the rules! but you had like 115-120 bonsais and they were way too much... i'm still wondering why he hasn't cut your smeltery, the smeltery is way too far big... if you have or want make fluids in this gigantic thing it will cause lags, so i give you the advice cut the half of your smeltery, that's more than enough. and please use bufferchests under the bonsais, bonsais on pipes can also cause lags. or feel free to come to my island and watch and rebuild my bonsai farm, it turns the stuff from bonsais into ingots or blocks fully automatic. (it should mostly be lag friendly, i checked it with lag goggles) and please try to get a ME system, the simple storage is crap and can cause massive lags when it's get bigger or you try autocrafting with it. another good advice for you, stop saying ppl should press alt+f4 if someone asks something in the chat and stop being rude and trolling in the chat. btw. the anti lag plugin can turn laggy blocks, etc. into obsidian, so please reduce lag sources and build your island lag friendly. if you won't accept the rules and won't reduce the lag sources, then feel free to play on another server that has no rules where you can build a lag machine of doom... that's my opinion. if you want your bonsais, mulch, pipes and the smeltery block, make a refund request as asood said. sry that i wrote so much, but i had to say it!
  9. So here's a guide how to get Spawn Eggs (for example to change a Spawner) first you need to craft a mob swab to get mob dna, you need 2 wool and a stick after you crafted a mob swab you need to find a mob like a zombie and hit the mob with the mob swab to get it's dna after that you need to craft gm chicken feed, it contains the mob swab with dna, normal wheat seed and a bucket of liquid xp if you don't know how to get liquid xp, craft a xp drain singularity tank (or in other modpacks it can be a xp pylon or something else that can collect xp), kill some mobs to get xp levels and sit on the xp drain to drain your xp off in the tank than hit it with an empty iron bucket and it fills up with xp when the tank or pylon, etc. has atleast 1000mb xp stored. after this when you have the gm chicken feed, find a adult chicken and feed it to them, the chicken will explode and die (without damage) and drops a spawn egg that can be used to change a spawner. NOTE 1: in some mod packs you can grow chickens by chicken seeds, they're craftable, if you have these seed, plant it on a grass block and bonemeal it to grow a baby chicken, feed the chicken with a stack of wheat seeds and it grows up into an adult without 20 mins of waiting, then feed the adult chicken the gm food. NOTE 2: it doesn't work for boss mobs like the wither or naga, lich, etc. the chicken will still die but you will get nothing. there is also another way to get spawn eggs, for this you need to get the capturing enchantment on your sword, it's mostly only avaible with a hellshelf enchanting table with the enchant power of X4. (it's build up the same way as a vanilla enchanting table) if you kill mobs with this enchant, there will be a chance to drop their spawn egg, this also works on withers, naga, etc. too, but if you try to make a naga spawner, lich spawner, etc. the spawner will break or in some mods packs it's not possible to change a spawner into a naga spawner, etc., so be careful with this method.
  10. For all People out there who are using the Twitch Launcher, the Mod/Addon Support ends on November 30. 2020! After this Deadline you need to use the new Curseforge Launcher if you were a former Twitch Launcher User proof of the deadline: (it's in german, but it means support ends on nov. 30. 2020 and you need to switch to the new curseforge launcher) or you can switch to the craftersland launcher: https://forum.craftersland.net/topic/28535-craftersland-launcher-released-v116-fine-tune-your-experience-to-the-max/ or to the multimc launcher: https://multimc.org/#Download How to use the CurseforgeLauncher (it's mostly the same as Twitch). step1: download the launcher here: https://curseforge.overwolf.com/ (windows and mac is supported atm of creation of this thread) step2: install it and run it step3: now click the gearwheel (settings) and click the "+" (plus) on "game specific" and choose "add game manually" or "scan pc for games" and search for the minecraft folder or the old folder from twitch that has the minecraft modpacks in it. step4: now you will see minecraft under the game specific, click the button "minecraft" and allocate ram, etc. step5: close this window with the "X" (not the launcher) to go back to the modpacks. step6: now choose your modpack, click on play and launch it to play. (you might need login to minecraft through the launcher and or add the server, for eternal it's: eternal.craftersland.net:25565) also make sure to have x64 (64 bit java) installed download here: https://www.java.com/en/download/manual.jsp? and make sure to have enough ram to run the pack(s), for eternal i recommend minimum 8-12GB
  11. just search in twitch launcher for sky factory 4 from darkosto and download it with the launcher. or download it from curseforge: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/skyfactory-4/files/3012798 version 4.2.2, name a folder SkyFactory 4 in the Instances Folder from twitch and extract the files into the SkyFactory 4 Folder, open twitch launcher and you may have a new profile named skyfactory 4, start it and you can play. or download the craftersland launcher and choose sky factory 4 or use the ATLauncher or get the multimc launcher and install the modpack via this launcher. craftersland launcher: https://forum.craftersland.net/topic/28535-craftersland-launcher-released-v114-fine-tune-your-experience-to-the-max/ ATLauncher: https://atlauncher.com/downloads multimc launcher: https://multimc.org/#Download
  12. Undertakerin


    hm what about gamerule keep inventory until they found a soultion or fix for graves? i know it would make the game way too easy, but better than losing items everytime or get fu### up from dying and items spreading a mile when you die and can't find them or get deleted from fire, cactus, etc. or you can't reach them cause you die immediately from the mobs. and btw. in the fire and ice config turning off that pixies can steal items.
  13. remove the security terminal from your me and it will never happen again and you can place the inscribers/cables again, cause the sec. terminal is still buggy -.-
  14. uh ok? that's very confusing when you see ppl from other modpacks voting, but the counter don't want to go down, only when they join sf4 or being online at sf4 o.O that's why i thought the counter is broken.
  15. as the title says... is it possible to add some signs above the buy signs at the spawn where the names of the items are listed that you can buy? cause sometimes the item frames gets invisible, and so you can't see what items you can buy, and if you need some items, you can't buy them, cause you don't know where the exact needed item is, that's why i had the idea to place some extra signs, so ppl can read them and buy the exact needed stuff/items without loop loading the whole modpack until they can see the item frames. if you're confused what i mean, maybe this picture will help you
  16. i don't know if it's known or noticed, but the vote party counter in sf4 is broken, it doesn't count all votes, just if it wants to count, it counts a few, but not all votes. i remember last year (before i got ultra sick and inactive from this), the counter was fine and had just a few seconds delay, but it has counted every vote.... what happened to the counter? is it possible to fix it or replace it with another working counter plugin? if you don't believe me, just sit a few hours online in sf4, watch the chat where it tells that ppl are voting, but the counter only counts a few if it wants to count...
  17. thx ness for granting this perms, but sad to hear that i can't get additional blocks or claiming areas, etc. to protect the buildings (only with playtime, buying in the shop or ingame), so i hope other players will respect my work without griefing. and yes i know not to abuse WE and i have to prevent lags from WE. thank you
  18. bump after 6 days
  19. Account Name: Undertakerin Rank: Sponsor Requested Commands^: Worldedit, and if it's possible land claiming/protecting (bigger area to prevent grief) Reason for Request*: i want to terraform my base a bit and around it and build few buildings with help from schematica mod (print mode if available) and protect it from griefing. and yea i know prevent lags and no abuse. if schematica (copy and print mode) isn't allowed on the server, so just forget about my request and close or delete this post. thx in advance Mandy aka. Undertakerin
  20. that problem is still there since the server/modpack started... animals and villagers (all sorts of them) can despawn (tamed too)... i've lost villagers a few times since i'm playing, but i can spawn them with spawneggs or mob duplicator, but yeah, this bug or whatever it is sucks really hard. if it's not from craftersland itself, so it's from the mod author and he has to fix it...
  21. hi there, idk what do you think of this idea, the idea was to add a trading npc with his booth at the spawn where you can trade things you can throw into a elven portal, trade examples: 16 mana glass = 16 alf glass, 10 living wood = 10 dreamwood, etc. or 16 mana glass + 1 block of mana diamond = 16 alf glass, etc. i had this idea cause it takes ages to get returns from an elven portal in case of low tps (mostly (95%) the server runs at 7tps or lower), so this could help to get the items a bit better and prevents losing items (despawning). idk if this is possible for 1.12.2 or for the server, it was just an idea, cause i was annoyed about the extreme slowly elven portal. elven portal trades (from the wiki):
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