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Everything posted by Undertakerin

  1. what enchants exactly? without knowing the enchants it can't be refunded, or only via a inventory rollback. tell me the enchants so i can make the sword and refund it.
  2. first of all, you can craft the twilight mob seeds! here are the recipes for it: to see the full graphics, click the pictures yeti seed: (snow, pumpkin seed, wool) minotaur seed: (brown mushroom, pumpkin seed, red mushroom) death tome seed: (book, pumpkin seed, book) helmet crab seed: (iron helmet, pumpkin seed, raw fish) to craft the seeds, the ingredients must be in a 3x3 crafting grid, i recommend the ME crafting terminal, it worked the best for me, then you'll see a blank square as output, but it isn't blank, shift + rightclick to get the seed, plant it on a grass block and bonemeal it. the twilight data models are also craftable, here are the recipes and what mob is needed to level them, mobs in the brackets: blank data model + firefly = twilight forest data model (death tome) blank data model + water lily = twilight swamp data model (minotaur) blank data model + darkwood = twilight darkwood data model (helmet crab) blank data model + arctic fur = twilight glacier data model (yeti) fireflies rarely spawn on canopy trees, sapling can be bought at spawn downstairs water lilies can be obtained from fishing darkwood can be obtained from a darkwood tree, sapling can be bought at spawn downstairs arctic fur can be obtained from killing yetis and can be bought at spawn downstairs to level the data models, they must be in a deep learner in the off-hand and the mobs for those models comes from the mob seeds that are craftable, recipes are above ↑.. just kill the mobs and the data models should slowly level up, to boost it, use the glitch sword from deep mob learning, it has a quick learner bonus.
  3. items refunded closed
  4. items refunded closed
  5. no response, so i think everything is fine now, so closed. closed
  6. items refunded closed
  7. item refunded, item should be in your inv. sry, for late response, i thought someone else would refund it, but no one did, so i did now, let me know if something else is missing.
  8. thx kas, everything is back, i'm closing it.
  9. and bump again. i ask myself if this rollback will ever be done?
  10. 1 month and still needed, so BUMP
  11. use this template to make a inv rollback request:
  12. islands got purged after you gone away from the server or paused, etc. for 3-4 months and more, so sadly there will be no saves left from september 2021. so sadly you have to start from a fresh begin, i'm sorry about that.
  13. yes, that's why i bump it from time to time so BUMP
  14. the compact machines mod in SF4 is abandoned and buggy as hell, i recommend not to use it. there will no updates come in the future, so use the stuff on your island instead of wasting items for the compact machines.
  15. Your Name: Undertakerin Coordinates: x13058, z-7427, x65 Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 9pm/UTC+2 (berlin/paris time)/23 may 2022 Description of Issue: my inventory and enderchest got deleted for no reason. Screenshots (Optional):
  16. Your Name: Undertakerin Item Name + ID + Amount: 3500xp level + 15 flux saws (creative from the crates), 15 ultimate energy cubes, the chisel arts from my old island + the compatched chests + shulkers from my old island and the ME system fix and the mini ME contraption that was on my energy matrix and the 2 enchanting tables incl. the bookshelves. Coordinates: X 13055, Z -7425 Description of Issue: my island got wiped and idk. why... so i just want the items, etc. back that i posted here, last time everything was fine, was between 22-25th april 2022 Screenshots (Optional): Important NOTE! if you copy these from my old island, pls make sure to paste the island in the hunting dim and then copy my stuff over to my new island, if you paste the old island on the new spot, my new island gets deleted and my whole enderchest, etc.
  17. hi, is this problem solved or still need help? or did you tried another launcher like multimc?
  18. i found a grave from you on my island, idk. if it's this grave or nah. if not, then plz rollback the inv from this guy.
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