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  1. JeanAlc


    Bro we've been in the same spot for 3 years, thats why most staff like me leaves LoL Fer is the only that still has hopes
  2. JeanAlc


    They probably keep it open cause is free, some companies give you a "free server" if you buy an expensive packet
  3. Ill move the topic to the right server
  4. What mine ? can you take a screenshot ?
  5. This plugin needs to be reworked on, I don't know if its failing or what but, we kill endermans and it kicks us. I understand is a measure agains cheats, but this server is not big on pvp so it you guys could nerf it a little.
  6. coordinates: -5543 70 2295 I was testing my new pillager farm, and spawn a "villager" wicht weirdly enough asked me to link to a chest …. long story short I am tired, its 2 am and I spawned a shopkeeper. Ive tried lava, sword, bow, the guy doesn't even move, so help please lol
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