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About acerq

  • Birthday 08/25/1997

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    United States

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  1. acerq


    Im just wondering why we get four chunkloaders while Revelation has 100 since this is a much less laggy pack.
  2. now that the server is getting wiped yeah but when they said the economy was broken they werent kidding, multiple people had creative stashes of mystic keys and would use them any time they needed more money
  3. Your Name: WendigoooooCoordinates: -1792, 70, -6912 (My base i'm guessing?)Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): Everything should be fine at 4:30 EST 4/18/20.Description of Issue: I was deleting an old island so only my new one existed and I lost all of my stuff when it happened.Screenshots (Optional): If its necessary I have a video.
  4. Your Name: Genghis_KKKhanCoordinates: -435, 50, 2903Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): I can't quite remember so i'm just going to say a time before I got on today. 12:00 p.m. ESTDescription of Issue: I went afk and died to a spider. If it helps my case I went afk to help my girlfriend bake a delicious chocolate cake.
  5. u should sell sponges in the shop for 300-500 a piece so that players arent left spending hours looking for naturally occurring sponges or draining water with sand and gravel
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