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PapaMaoDONG last won the day on January 28 2022

PapaMaoDONG had the most liked content!


About PapaMaoDONG

  • Birthday 05/13/2001

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  1. I was a previous staff member here at CraftersLand (specifically for RLCraft) and I only have fond memories of this place. Hope everyone in staff is doing great. Hope to see you all again soon PapaMao
  2. Is this still needed @josiah Pp?
  3. How did you lost your items @PartyKing?
  4. @Sterrent, how did _Swayze get to your home?
  5. @MrSoftHands, please edit your post using this template.
  6. Sorry for the delay, @minimum_wages, please respond if you still need anything as I've placed the items you listed.
  7. List some of the enchants you remember, please. Or some baubles/weapons you'd like to be refunded.
  8. @Queen_Draco, I can't find you on the server.
  9. Hi Crunch4Nator, unfortunately, we don't have any rollback data from February. If you still want to, make a list of some items you want and I'll refund you manually.
  10. Unfortunately, we don't have rollbacks from February (this is a consequence of switching to NAS). If you want us to refund you, please make a list of items below.
  11. Unfortunately, we don't have rollbacks from February (this is a consequence of switching to NAS). If you want us to refund you, please make a list of items below.
  12. Unfortunately, we don't have rollbacks from February (this is a consequence of switching to NAS). If you want us to refund you, please make a list of items below.
  13. Fairy ring and polarized stone has been placed in players' inventory, AWAITING ROLLBACK.
  14. Crunch4Nator, we suspect that we don’t have any data from the beggining of February. So, if you don’t get your rollback in the next couple of days, make a list of items below.
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