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sonyx last won the day on April 23 2023

sonyx had the most liked content!

About sonyx

  • Birthday 07/21/2020

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sonyx's Achievements

  1. Let me know when you are online so I can apply the command:)
  2. Commands added
  3. Hello! Sorry for the delay, do you still need this?
  4. Item refunded- I put it in your inventory.
  5. Unfortunately this is the only backup we have for your island. If you want, I can refund the items you need. Just reply here with the list and I’ll do that for you soon.
  6. Island rolled back, sadly we didn't have the 12th of June so I rolled you back to the 10th of June instead.
  7. I rolled back your inventory to a previous save.
  8. Items left at your last location.
  9. Items refunded to your last location.
  10. I left your key in a chest at your last known location.
  11. Inventory rolled back, please let me know if anything is missing or incorrect.
  12. Was the area claimed BEFORE you got griefed? Our claim system does not allow other players to destroy things in your base like this.
  13. Hello, was this already resolved?
  14. Hi, was this already resolved?
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