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Konstadoulis last won the day on July 14 2021

Konstadoulis had the most liked content!


About Konstadoulis

  • Birthday 12/17/2001

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  1. Note: this needs an Inventory Rollback due to Living Enchant
  2. @brunymanit's been a while since u updated the server with the last update and the server is just unplayable. I mentioned it countless times (me and the players) please wipe the the server.
  3. We already talked about it too many times already , I understand that you didn't want to get banned but you crossed the line too many times, there's no reason for making more unban requests as I don't agree with getting you, as for what you caused on the server ... You know what you did and there's no reason for excuses about it . I hope you understand it this time . Have a good day.
  4. We can give you /effect depends on the effects you give to yourself tho and disguise if it's actually a cosmetic command but for the rest I don't agree since I don't see a reason to have them. Anyway just wait for a manager
  5. You got unbanned from a person who had no idea of what you've done . And I you got banned again cuz you choose to immediately break the rules . At this point I don't care about what excuse you find to try to clear your self but you are not welcomed in the community with the amount of problems you caused on the server . This ends here.
  6. But since you asked for proof. you know the contents of your other shulker boxes :).
  7. You are permantly banned for what you caused on the server, and theres no need for any proof since you know what you were hiding under your base in the obsidian collosal chest that you made from the duped blocks you had :).
  8. inventory rollback done make a refund request incase you lost or you dont have in that save file T/C
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