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Everything posted by sonyx

  1. I gave you worldedit access, but we cannot grant you access to tp as it is a staff command.
  2. Items refunded. T/C
  3. Chunk rolled back. T/C
  4. Chunk rolled back. T/C
  5. Chunk rolled back. T/C
  6. Please reply back with the date that you would like your claim rolled back to.
  7. Item refunded. T/C
  8. Thicc and cute bee refunded. T/C
  9. I am not able to apply the enchants that you list here to the mjolnir. Since this is also the second time youve lost this specific item, 3xj is going to give you an inventory rollback. What was the last date that you had everything?
  10. Item refunded to your /home. T/C
  11. Item refunded to your /home. T/C
  12. Item refunded to your /home. T/C
  13. Do you still need this? You have two identical posts about this issue and one of them is marked as "solved".
  14. Player does not want command anymore. T/C
  15. Added to the shop at spawn.
  16. I will add a metal former to the spawn shop, so you may use this instead to craft plates.
  17. Hi, sadly since the items were not claimed this is not something we can rollback or refund.
  18. Unfortunately since your base was unclaimed when it was griefed then there is nothing we can do for you, sorry!
  19. was your area claimed?
  20. Items refunded to your inventory. T/C
  21. Hi, unfortunately as you are aware we cannot refund these items due to the dim resetting. T/C
  22. Sent you a DM on Discord with a quick question
  23. Item refunded.
  24. Your playerdata has been transferred
  25. rolled inventory back instead- T/C
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