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potayder last won the day on June 30 2023

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  1. I can agree with this, Veber. The ATM6 community was popping for a while, but the instability kind of lowered a lot of that. The newer packs will also create more things for players to progress, and the packs are still being updated for the better in my opinion, even with the new release of ATM9 ( the ATM9 pack is still behind, on mods and not really hyped till maybe a few months tbh ).
  2. Good afternoon/morning everyone. I do not know if this is the right area to place this suggestion, but it is on the lines of ATM modpacks. I have noticed the decline in ATM6 population over time since release's of ATM7 & 8. I do believe it would be beneficial for player base, and business opportunities to upgrade or a new server to possibly All The Mods 8 due to the increasing population, and popularity of the pack. there is less servers being made for these packs, and a high demand for them. The pack does seem to be relatively more stable server side than ATM6. I am also sad to say I have not played as much on the Craftersland due to moving to the ATM7, then ATM8 packs. I truly do enjoy the community around the packs I play and the community that I played with on the ATM6 servers. Most of you may remember me, and hope to play with you guys soon. Please give it a thought for the higher management, I do think this would be a great opportunity in the long run for players, and the growth of Craftersland Happy Mining everyone!
  3. TPS always at 20? since when >.>?
  4. Let's gooooo fresh wipey pls
  5. Name: Brad IGN: Potayder Age: 26 Crafter's Land Servers you play: Revelations Location: Colorado, USA A short description of yourself: I'm married as of 5-23-2021, I play mostly in the after noon's, I locate underground utilities such as gas and electric lines. I been playing minecraft when it was just on the browser LOL, never got good at building Looking for more people to group up and play with really. a lot of my friends quit gaming over the years Hobbies and interests: Mostly gaming in general, I love FPS shooters, and RPG games. interest are mostly of engines and diesel trucks. Discord / Skype Name: Po-Tay-Der#7335
  6. I can vouch for this. User was also spamming chat.
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