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Everything posted by WarGod19

  1. Oficial shivaxi rlcraft server get restart every 3-6 months I dont see the problem with the wipe.
  2. I am not been active and i dont know the date i lost all my stuff, anyways is fine already got my 80% of my stuff back so rollback back is not need it.
  3. Your Name: WarGod19 Coordinates: -5836 59 -1204 Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): I dont really remember the date i left the server but the last time i left the server was few days ago maybe a week. When i join the server after few days i encounter with death screen, when i respawn my invetory was gone. Description of Issue: My inventory got wiped including baubles. RLCraft server.
  4. RLcraft Your Name: WarGod19 Coordinates: Spawn Time/Date: January 17, around 6:00pm Description of Issue: Server got hacked and killed by @kill command Screenshots (Optional):
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