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Everything posted by oracle_of_me

  1. I really like this Server and I really want to start playing again. One thing that is preventing me from playing is that I hate sorting. There is just so much loot and as a horder I really hate throwing stuff away. Luckily, the Modpack has sorting included as standard with the Quark mod. In singleplayer this needs to be configured to be usable. However, it is not usable on the server. I guess it is disabled. I don't know if it is disabled on purpose or due to some anticheat, but I would really like Quark Sorting to be enabled. It's not even causing lag or game breaking. When you open a chest, you can merge the items from the chest with the items from your inventory and vice versa. I would really like to see this feature enabled. Thank you!
  2. I am against a wipe. I am currently playing once a week. I have no time to start grinding from the beginning. A wipe would make me quit the game for a long time.
  3. I didn’t loose a mending Book, I lost an Ankh shield with mending on it. I can put the mending back on the shield myself or you could just give me the shield with the mending on it.
  4. Well, I was standing right next to the Egg and waited for it to spawn. The chunk was even loaded by a chunkloader. After some Minutes the Egg was just gone and there was no Dragon. I broke the netherack but there was nothing. The dragon might have been invisibile, i donkt know. I quit afterwards because it took me a while to find an egg. I need the mending Book for the shield. The egg was Green. But I don't really care about the color.
  5. Your Name: OracleOfMe Item Name + ID + Amount: Ankh Shield Advanced Mending Book Dragon Egg Ring of the Dwarfs Base Coordinates: X: -1150 Y: 600 Description of Issue: 1. I still haven't gotten the "Ring of the Dwarfs" from the last post. Maybe they put it in the wrong base? 2. I tried to hatch a Dragon and it just despawned. I realized that I tried to hatch it on my claimed Land. Do Dragons despawn on my own land? 3. This morning, when I got online, I realized that my Ankh shield was gone. I never put it out of my inventory and always wore it. Screenshots (Optional): https://imgur.com/a/IAc83zP
  6. Your Name: OracleOfMe Item Name + ID + Amount: Ring of the Dwarfs (#5348) Heart Container (#4745) 6 times Base Coordinates: -5000 5838 Description of Issue: Got killed at spawn while shopping in the market. Dropped all my items. Already posted a complaint. Screenshots (Optional):
  7. In-Game Nickname: (One complaining about) Senisgo Time and date: 22:02 MET on the 06.08 Description of what happened: (In chronological order) I got killed at Spawn by a Player named "Senisgo" at 22:02 MET on the 06.08. I've been killed before, but my items never dropped. This time, to my surprise, they all dropped. I complained in chat afterwards, but Senisgo made no effort to give them back. I've got a Screenshot of the Chat message. Would it be possible to make him give me the items back? I got killed in the admin market. Maybe there is a protection bug? Screenshots or Proof: (Use www.imgur.com) https://imgur.com/PYXQG0I List of eyewitnesses: (They should also make a post below)
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