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Lemon_Cactus9 last won the day on March 17 2023

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  1. download link seem to be broken atm
  2. tekkit 2 server
  3. ps sorry im so needy!!
  4. Account Name: Lemon_Cactus9 Rank: sponsor Requested Commands^: /speed, /god, /repair all Reason for Request*: speed because i move so slow, god i dont like losing my inventory when i die, i would like to beable to repair all my armor/tools with 1 command
  5. if im not mistaken you can do /gm 0 for survival.. that is what i do in skyfactory 4
  6. im unable to play anymore because aparently i dont own minecraft on my account now even tho i bought it
  7. IGN Lemon_Cactus9 i delete an island not thinking to put my stuff on my other island first., is it possible to get it rolled back to just before i deleted the island my new base cords are X:5375, Y:65(4) Z:-47361 Time [23:44:29]
  8. thanks for getting the shops display/name fixed
  9. Account Name: Lemon_Cactus9 Rank: Sponsor+ Requested Commands^: /skull or /head, /speed, /god, /fly Reason for Request*: /skull or /head i would like to use this command to use random player heads as decor items, /speed id like to be able to move faster, and /god
  10. Your Name: Lemon_Cactus9 Item Name + ID + Amount: 2x legendary keys, 4x vote keys Coordinates: x:-47354 z:-14055 y:63 Description of Issue:I moved items while in /gm 1, and it gave them the creative tag making them not work, it evern turned everything i got from the previously open keys into a creative taged item
  11. Currently on skyfactory 2.5 but trying to transfer my rank to direwolf20 1.7.10 instead, I’m not sure where to locate the templates to know what to do
  12. server: skyfactory 2.5 IGN: Lemon_Cactus9 Rank: Sponsor base loaction: 600, 7800, 151 command request: /god /speed and /skull command /god i was told i might have it but i do not, id like it so it harder for me to lose my inventory whenever i fall to my death, harder to loose stuf in other relms like the end or nether ect command /speed i feel like i move like a snail while at my island. command /skull i want this so i can use player heads as decor eventually
  13. can i request /god as i do not have this, /skull i plan on using this for decor use eventually, and /speed 0.5-3 i feel like a snail when i move around
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