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Banksia Slayer

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Everything posted by Banksia Slayer

  1. Maybe I'm outvoted, but I'd say the 1.21 pack is not as good. It's missing some good mods like Botania and Create, and the main addition it seems to have is minecolonies - which doesn't work properly on other Craftersland servers anyway, apparently the townsfolk get deleted by the weekly reset. Can anyone see any other cool mods in this pack? I think the main reason for the low number of players in the 1.20 server was the technical difficulties that plagued the server for the first few months. By the time most ppl could get into the server, other servers with this pack had been running for months. This might be an argument for switching to the new pack - to stay ahead of the game, if the server can be released without the bugs. I guess it's a question of what will attract more players.
  2. Sry no - I'm but a humble amateur but the create mod is pretty easy to learn - mouse over stuff in jei and hold w and little tutorials pop up. Most of the work with the trains was making them look good -they're flexible multiblocks.
  3. Hello What sort of modpack are you playing? If it's RLCraft my advice would be prepare to die a lot. Are you doing RLcraft, or a quest-base modpack, or a kitchen sink modpack? They're each quite different.
  4. I've automated the train now. A villager's driving it. You just take a seat and off it goes. Goes between spawn, my base, and a few villages. Also new picture
  5. I agree that it's probably Riis this time. But I've found so many bugs on the DW1.19 server - including once where I was locked out for 4 months by bad chunk - that I like to joke that I'm cursed or something.
  6. Time to change up the picture again. I built a second train for construction. the rollers are very useful for building longer tracks.
  7. So that's what happened. I thought maybe bug-catcher Krag was at it again He was building a nuclear reactor at the time. Actually It was probably me. I finally joined the server about an hour before. Haven't built anything yet, but pretty sure I'm cursed.
  8. This was also the case in the DireWolf 1.19 server. We collected a lot of phantom membranes On the other hand, the great sense of achievement when we actually got everyone to sleep was something previously know only to parents of young children.
  9. Thanks. I still couldn't join, but for a different reason - apparently I need to switch to the older version of the modpack the server uses. But your solution fixed the error. Soon, I will unleash my trains upon a new server! Maybe, haven't decided what to build yet.
  10. Looks like it worked. Was it the digital miner? If this pack is anything like DW 1.19, I might need to make another book of bugs.
  11. Cool. Might try this tomorrow then. What does this command actually do?
  12. Thanks. Not sure where the prelaunch arguments would be, but I'll look into it. Is that the "Java runtime arguments" option in the FTB launcher?
  13. We had the same problem in Direwolf 1.19 server. No idea why we can't place sticks, but there's an easy workaround: just place a hopper (or similar block that pushes items) above the device/pedestal, and throw the stick in the hopper. This allows you to place sticks on these blocks. Also allows automation.
  14. Still can't get in. Given my unfortunate talent for finding bugs, maybe the Admins have decided it's safer for everyone if I stay locked out
  15. Don't worry, this is RFtools dimension you're talking about. The bugs are just beginning. Does the weekly server reset break the matter transmitters? That's the big problem on the Direwolf 1.19 server.
  16. OK, if the live map is bugged, then perhaps I'm wrong. I do tend to agree that maybe having 4 different Direwolf servers is too many. But on the other hand, I've found the 1.19 and 1.20 versions play quite differently, so I'm happily playing both. The main reason for this is that the 1.20 pack doesn't have the biomes mod (Oh The Biomes You'll Go) which has a huge effect on the overworld and the Nether, whereas the 1.19 version does. So maybe there is value in having multiple Direwolf servers, but only if people are on them. The Direwolf 1.19 server also has only 2 other people these last few weeks, it never really recovered from the massive griefing (spawn destroyed + deliberate lagging of server) by one player late last year.
  17. From the live map, it looks like no-one has been on the server since the last wipe. Is there any benefit to another wipe when the server is basically fresh already? Might be better off re-allocating the server to more popular modpack - could even hold a vote on which modpack to add. ATM8 or 9 are options that come to mind. Just an idea.
  18. I think so, Bruny posted earlier, but never followed up. I've encountered another player who also has this issue, so there's at least four that I know of. I wonder if this is the reason why there are so few ppl on the new server. Anyway, let's hope it's resolved soon.
  19. Ok, that sounds like something only Bruny can fix.
  20. Hi Bruny When I try to join it gets to the "encrypting" stage of the loading screen, then returns the following error "failed to connect to the server Failed to verify username!" This is not an error I've seen before, and I've only encountered it on this server, as already mentioned.
  21. Hey SnoopDawgrr I've seen you on the list on players in the server since you posted this. Were you able to resolve the problem, or did it fix itself? I still can't join the server myself. Not sure what to make of this, clearly other players can join the server, so it's not just a server problem. But I was able to join a different Direwolf 1.20 server without issue, so it's not just an issue at my end.
  22. That's right! Who needs Waystones? The Create mod has trains! Not faster minecarts, actual trains, that you can build. It takes a bit of effort to make them look good (framed blocks are your friend), but once I found out about them, of course I had no choice but to build a railway. Sadly I can only upload one image (anyone know how to make these screenshots smaller?) but I've done a railway from my base to near spawn, with a station each end, and a train with 4 passenger seats. One of the seats is occupied by a bee though. I'm also made a second train for trackwork - it has a roller on the back wagon. Anyway, there's a bit of work involved, but these bigger trains are an awesome way to connect bases, they're surprisingly fast, and can be automated by putting a mob in the drivers seat (with a schedule). A production line to make the track is essential, preferably connected to an auto-crafting pattern. I built this stuff in the Direwolf 1.19 server, but the Create mod is in most of the newer packs. Now I need to make some friends, so I can build a railway to their bases Edit: Thought I'd change up the picture - I can only upload one at a time.
  23. Still can't log in. I'm using the FTB launcher, works just fine for the Direwolf20 1.19 server. Anyone else familiar with this problem? I don't understand why only this server poses a problem.
  24. Hello Thought I'd try out the new Direwolf20 server, but can't login. The screen says it can't validate username. Since I can log into other servers without issue, not sure what causes the problem here.
  25. This idea would probably work better in a modpack with Gravestones. I was thinking of building something like this in the Direwolf server, but hard to tell if there's any interest. With the variety of gear in some of these modpacks, could make for some interesting fights, but only if everyone is a good sport. If there is a command block that disables player damage in the area when switched on, that would be even better. Then one could start a match by switching that block off for a preset amount of time.
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