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About riverramsay

  • Birthday February 18

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location:
    Ontario Canada
  • Interests
    Soft core Mexican midget porn, specifically 2 cannibalistic midgets dancing in a fat guys rib cage

riverramsay's Achievements

  1. please do not wipe the server, i am having an enjoyable time with a friend i met on the server. i have progressed so much since joining last month and it would be a shame to even consider doing it all again. I'm working on a few builds for show at the moment and i would hate to see my progress locked to a single player download world ! please reconsider warm regards, RR
  2. Just as the title asks. I’ve been searching with a friend for some time now and haven’t come up with any indication that it is enabled
  3. riverramsay


    Yes I would also like the seed ( this was a year ago how isn’t it answered already?)
  4. Timur thank you it worked and mc d thank you for the suggestion!
  5. All 3 crafting options for the morb won’t work. Is it a banned item?
  6. You can email me at riverramsay@live.ca if some admin can find a way out for me please
  7. I am stuck in a portal that I found in nether and cannot get out after coming to surface. my ingame name is ClusterCuckCanuk
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